Chapter 18: Magic Mirror

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The arching entrance of the Marlodian Vault towered over the groups of students and teachers as everyone entered the large temple. Among those was Cloudia, Helene, Suzuki and Estalia, as well as Kingsley and Aurith.

"Okay, so what's the plan?" Kingsley asked.

"Well, I had a good idea to split us up. Kingsley, you showed the highest skill in Spellcasting class, so you're being assigned to Cloudia. Aurith, you'll go with me, and Suzuki will pair up with Estalia. That way, at least one person in every group can defend if needed," she instructed.

"Right. Now, here's where my part of the plan takes effect. Everyone will communicate with their phones, and we'll all station in different sections of the temple. Lovebirds are going to look at the Goddess Exhibit; Meanwhile, the rest of us will be going to other areas of the temple, searching for any info that might come useful," Suzuki stepped forward and added. Both Cloudia and Kingsley were crimson.

"As for Cloudia, you do NOT lift your hair at ALL. This place is packed with priests, monks, and heavy believers, as well as potential Brotherhood members. We need to blend in," she turned to Cloudia, who nodded sheepishly.

"I used some foundation to cover her mark, just in case," Estalia chimed.
"Everyone should also have a map of the area of their phones," Aurith said as he held up his phone. The others held up their phones and nodded. "Alright, everyone. Let's not waste time out here. This is our only shot," Aurith said aloud to the group. And with that, everyone split off in groups of two, joining the different tour groups to visit their designated areas. From farther away, by the gate, watched Headmaster Everly and Professor Sei.

"They've grown quite serious, those kids," the headmaster said.

"Yes, sir.... It concerns me.... Seeking the truth so boldly, and willing to fight for answers...... I remember when all of them started the school year," Sei sighed.

"As do I. But unfortunately, sooner or later, they'll find out things that even us two won't understand," the headmaster agreed. "I worry of the day when they can no longer look to us for guidance."

"What do you think they're planning tonight?"

"By the looks of it, the Star Couple are making a beeline to the Mirror. The others look like they're trying to leech this temple of its knowledge," Everly guessed.

"Do you think She will appear for them?" Sei asked. Everly only shrugged.

"I don't know. We'll have to wait and see," he replied. "While they are open like this, the other students and staff are at risk. And this is the perfect place for the Brotherhood to make an entrance. We must protect the school body," he warned. Sei nodded, and was about to walk away when he stopped and faced Everly once more.

"Let's hope those kids can protect themselves......" He says. The headmaster nods, and the professor walks away to help with monitoring students. Everly looked on with a grave expression.

"You kids be careful...." He muttered under his breath.


"And here, we have an ancient scroll used by..." The monk chattered to the students as they passed by a paper on a pedestal protected by a bubble. Cloudia and Kingsley paid no mind to it, since it wasn't directly linked to the Goddess. The group walked through the temple, with some students taking notes on the relics and architecture. The rooms had high ceilings and many arches, all with fancy designs and connected to intricate stained glass windows.

"This place does not seem like a place to worship me," Cloudia muttered under her breath. "I've never even heard of most of these relics," she rolled her eyes. Kingsley wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her shoulder.

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