First Week, First Kill

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Everyone knows the legend. If you confess to the one you love underneath the cherryblossom tree on a Friday, it is sure they will say "yes".


Dave was on his seat on the bus, alone. No one decided to sit with him, knowing he was the "freak with no emotions". His "friends" like Owen and Landon didn't seem to like him anymore.

Dave didn't feel sad, even a single bit. He was just emotionless, an empty husk. Doctors tried everything from lab tests to brain surgery to therapists, nothing.

The bus stopped. Dave grabbed his bag and waited for everyone to leave. The last boys to leave looked at Dave's silent and hollow face and chuckled.

He got off the bus and looked at the groups of males and females standing near the entrance of Willow High. He sighed and found a small kitten rub its head on Dave's leg. He didn't even adore it, as I said, he's emotionless.

When he was around 6, everyone laughed at him because of his "illness". They bullied him, they left him all alone.

But he felt nothing.

But when he was 10, he started to pretend. Pretend that he was happy, he cared, he cried, he raged.

But he wasn't.

The bell rang, and a teacher (Ms Lucille) opened the door. She gave compliments to everyone who came in, including Dave. "Why, your hair looks quite good today!" But he didn't react.

He looked around, exploring the school. Clubrooms, classrooms, teacher lounges and gardens. He wandered until he bumped into someone.

"Oh, I didn't see you there!"

Dave was on the floor, pretending to be hurt. The mysterious person or boy reached his hand out. Dave looked up and saw a worried but adorable face looking at him.

And for the first time in Dave's life, he blushed.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked him.

"Yeah, I am." He said, accepting the help.

"What's your name?"

"Uh, it's Dave. And yours is?"

"Zak. Zak Carder."

"Nice name." Dave smiled, for the first time.

"Thanks! Yours too. By the way, what's your classroom number?"


"Hey, we're at the same class!"

Dave felt something with this man.


"The bell's about to ring. Race to the classroom?"

"Sure." He smiled.






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