Chapter Six

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"Emma Uveley, why has Ashton ran out that door looking so upset?" Mum said, jumping up the stairs to tell me off.
"I told him to leave. He cheated me then started being disrespectfully cheeky."
"Oh..." I knew that would get her. "Do you still want some peanut butter on toast?"
"Sure." I reply. Damn, I'm REALLY hungry.

"Hey Mom, Hey Tuesday, Hey Emma! I'm home."
"And where exactly have you been, Mr Woleton?"
"It's Mr UVELEY! And you don't need to know mom." he says in an angry voice.
"Oh, hey Robert. Where ya been?" I say after walking down the stairs. I know he will answer me.
"Sup, Em? And I uh... I went to Charlottes."
"CHARLOTTES?" I yell. How dare he!
"Yeah, Charlotte's."
"Ugghhh!" I scoff, "How dare you. I told you not to and why do you think you have the right to disobey..."
"Calm down," he interrupts, "I went to break up with her!"
I feel a twit. "Oh... I'm sorry that I yelled... So you aren't gonna talk to her again?" I say in a threatening tone.

"Um... Emma.." Bobby says to me whilst we're watching TV in his room, "You do know you are just in ya bra and joggers?" He lets out a little squeal that he calls a laugh.
"OH DAMN! Bobby, could you come and help me, because it hurts my cuts when I try to.... you know, undo it."
"Hahaa, of course, sis!"
Bobby is the best. He knows that I self harm, he knows that I'm... well that I have eating disorders. He knows me for me. Not for the quiet nerdy girly girl everyone in Uni sees.

"You need to start eating more beef, dude." Bobby lets out another squeal, which I mimic before replying,
"Well, I don't eat chicken, but beef sounds okay. Maybe we should go to the meat-eater's restaurant across the road for dinner tomorrow?"
"Yeah, I'll ask Mom." Bobby is my best friend. My one and only friend. He is my walking talking diary, the only one I tell my secrets to. "Oh, Bob?!"
"I love you, bro!" I wink at him and he squeals, again, and rushes down the stairs shouting "Mom, we have to go out for dinner tomorrow!"

I brush my hair and put it into a fishtail plait for bed. The blonde parts in my mouse brown hair are exposed, as they always are when my bedroom light is on. I don't like how my fringe always stays behind my ear. It should be too short. I cut it so it only just touched my ear, and it falls in front of my emerald eyes.
Mum says they called me Diana when I was a baby, because of my diamond blue eyes, but they (obviously) changed to green, so I was renamed to Emma Woleton. Emma Uveley.

"Emma!" Mum calls.
"Hows about the meat-eater's tomorrow night for dinner. We can just go the five of us."
"Five? But there's only four of us?" I say rushing to the bottom step of the stairs.
"I thought we could invite Gloiden?"

Gloiden, that's Mum's new boyfriend to replace Dad...

We don't need him. The three of us just want Dad back.

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Worst, Shortest chapters ever recently. I'm so sorry!!

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