Beginning To End

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  I was laying on my back, sobbing as my eyes opened to see a figure with a surgical blue mask.

"It's a boy." The man stated, sounding as if he were exhausted. The man scooped me up and placed me into the arms of an exhausted woman with light brown hair and pale skin. The woman held me close, cradling me and muttering things under her breath. Another man with dark brown hair and a darker skin tone was right next to the hospital bed.

"I'm your dad little guy, I'm so glad to meet you." He softly told to me, massaging my cheek.

"And I'm your mother you amazing soul." The woman stated, still cradling me as if I were her prize possession.  

I felt like I needed to move, so I started grabbing the woman's hair. She was my mom so I figured it was okay. The man with the mask took me with my mother giving her to him. I was confused. He carried me to a little tub and washed me with water, It felt nice and warm. I saw some bottles and fork looking tools. Sooner or later I was done and handed back to my mother who was now in a wheelchair, with my father's hands on the handle. I was put in a blanket and given to her, I felt tired so I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in a room with pastel yellow wallpaper and a bunch of toys, I was in a soft yellow crib with a white blanket, There was also a toy octopus and a unicorn in the crib with me. I wanted to get out of the crib so I tried to climb out but then I get startled and fell on my back. I heard yelling and arguing from my parents.  Then I heard a slam on the door and crying. My father with tears rolling down his red face, came into the rooms and started packing my toys, clothes and baby blankets. He picked me up and picked up a bunch of bags and putting them into the trunk of his car. I didn't know where my mom was I was so confused. 

"We're starting another life... We'll be happier."

We moved to another state and a new house. They got a divorce, and now I don't have a pair of parents. I learned how to walk, talk and a few years passed. I was a five-year-old boy, With light hair fading to dark brown Blue eyes, Living in Arizona and going to elementary school.

It was a warm sunny day, with kids yelling and talking when I arrived on my first day at school. I unbuckled from my seatbelt and my dad took me out of the car and placed me on the floor. 

"Have a great day at school, Love you!" He told me with a nice smile on his face.

"Bye, dad!* I replied as I put my hands on the straps of my book bag running in my dark red shoes into the school passing a bunch of kids.  I was nervous, there were kids in a line and a teacher wearing a suit with long blonde hair. I walked up to her and asked: "I'm new.. Where do I find my class?"  She had a paper with kids and their pictures.

"Melissa... Aden... Jack.. Lilly... Calvin, Yes you're in my class, your Calvin right?" She asked me. 

"Yeah, I am.* I replied and smiled at her. 

"Such a cute kid! Get in line we were waiting for you." 

I trotted to the back of the line and there was a girl with a purple bag in front of me. The line started moving, we passed a water fountain and a board of kids artworks with oil pastels. We got into the classroom and I was the first one to sit in the front in a tiny red chair. There were windows all in the back of the class and toys and stuff also in the back. All the kids sat down, There was two girls and a boy sitting at my table. The girls looked like twins the boy looks kinda scary. 

"Well hello class, I'm Mrs. Willison, Since its the afternoon cause the first day of school starts in the afternoon just a tip, We will be playing, snack and reading a book before we go." She stated, "Everyone can color/draw or play in the back, Go ahead, kids!"

Half of the kids including me ran to the back and the other half stayed to draw. I ran to the blocks and the girl who I was behind going to the blocks too. 

"Hi! I'm Melissa, you can call me Mel if you want." She said to me. She had a purple scrunchie and really light brown hair. 

"I-I'm Calvin, nice to meet you." I replied and smiled at her." As I started stacking blocks with her helping. We had a conversation while building and as we knew it was time for a snack. We actually were sitting at the same table so we ate with each other. I had a PB&J sandwich, apple slices, and orange juice.  She had a turkey sandwich and orange and apple juice.  It was time for the story to be read but the bell rang and there were already cars and parents outside. The teacher said that we were free to go and Mel gave me a hug and ran out. I ran out of school and saw my dad's car and ran to him and hugged him.  

"Hey, Calvin! How was your day?" 

"I made a new friend, her name is Melissa."

My dad's eye widened and he didn't say anything about it and buckled my seatbelt in the back seat. And continued to drive home. I didn't worry about it. When we got home my dad went in first and gasped. He told me to stay inside with sweat on his face. I was confused so I started shaking. I heard stuff falling and my dad yelled, "You can come in now!"

"Is that sauce?" I asked because I saw a red liquid on the table.  

"Yeah! I wanted to clean up before you came in, I don't know why." He told me.  I nodded and ran into my room and started drawing. The next day at school I and Melissa became really good friends. We grew up together and we started middle school. We both changed, Her hair color got darker, she got a bit taller, My voice got a bit deeper and I got taller.

I and Mel took our seats in our class and started making jokes, with all the other kids talking. The teacher wasn't in the classroom. 

"I wonder where Mr.Keller is.." I told Melissa.

"Maybe he's late, or maybe he got fired!" She chuckled.

"Heh! Maybe." I replied and laughed it off.

A woman came into the room, she had the same colored eyes,  Light long hair... That's.. my mom?! I gasped covering my mouth and tried to hide in Mel's sweater.

"What?! What's wrong??" Melissa knew the story about me not knowing about my mom, where she went, why she left. She looked at her and she realized she looked like me. And cursed under her breath. She took off her purple sweater and put it on me.

"I'm Miss. Cathrine, I'm your sub for the day." She told everyone. 

"Hey, can you please sit up sir?" The classroom went silent. She walked up to me and took off the jacket, I got scared and looked at her. Our eyes met and my mom almost fainted. She grabbed my arm and took me outside. The kids must have thought I was doing something sexual to Melissa or something to be taken outside. 

I stood still kinda tearing up while looking at her. It was silent.

She broke the silence, "I'm so sorry..." She said while crying. I didn't know what to say. 

"I didn't wanna leave you... It wasn't your fault. I j-just.. I left because..."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2021 ⏰

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