Chapter Three

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I couldn't stop thinking about Jake on my way back home. I really didn't want to be in any kind of relationship right now. But I would be lying if I say I didn't think about it. He was so hot and I wanted to kiss him so badly. I stopped my inappropriate thoughts once I reached home and went to my room. Emma was still out with her boyfriend, Justin. They have been together for almost three years and he decided to do his studies over here when he found out that she wanted to go to Columbia University, which was so romantic. I tried to keep myself occupied by doing assignments and some reading.

I was halfway through my notes when I got an Instagram request from Chad. I smiled and accept his request. He was a sweet guy and we became really good friends in these two days. I was glad that I didn't have to be completely alone at college. The rest of the week went by in a daze. I didn't see Jake after that day and I was kind of disappointed.

Soon It was Saturday and I decided to look for a part-time job to take care of my expenses. I didn't want to depend on my parents as they were already paying for my college tuition fees. That's when I remembered to call my mom and let her know I'm fine and everything was good here. After talking with her briefly, I jumped out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed in a white tank top and jean shorts. I let my hair flow down my waist and applied some lip gloss. After sliding my bag across my shoulders, I rushed down the stairs in a hurry.

"I'm gonna look for a job, Em," I shouted as I wore my sneakers, knowing she won't wake up anytime soon.

"You better come back soon. We need to go to the mall." She replied lazily from her room.

"Of course, how can I forget!" I grinned and headed out.

I walked down the streets near our house looking for a job, admiring the beauty of the city. New York was so different when compared to L.A. The streets were busy and crowded with people. After an hour of walking aimlessly, I came across a coffee shop which had a board saying 'hiring'. I saw an old lady inside the shop through the glass door and decided to go inside. I took a deep breath and plastered a bright smile on my face to seem confident.

"Hello, I saw your board outside and I was hoping to get a job," I spoke softly and the old lady looked up from the counter and smiled at me kindly.

"Hello, dear. That's wonderful to hear, I'm in charge of this coffee shop and I could use some extra hand as the previous employee quit recently. I'm Grace Willow," she smiled at me politely and extended her hand.

"I would be happy to help out. I'm Ashely Albright," I replied excitedly and shook her hand. After we discussed my qualifications and working hours, I was all set to start from Monday. I waved her goodbye and walked out of the coffee shop. I had some time at hand and decided to explore the other shops nearby.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?" I stopped dead on my tracks recognizing the familiar voice. I turned around slowly and saw those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes, twinkling in the sunlight. His eyes roamed all over my body. I started to feel conscious and exposed all of a sudden. Why didn't I wear my jeans?

"What are you doing here?" I finally spoke after what felt like forever.

"It's a free country, Ashley. I was just heading out to get a cup of coffee. Would you mind joining me? " he grinned showing his dimples. Fuck me already! I couldn't believe that he remembered my name

"You don't even know me and you want me to hang out with you?" I blurted out in curiosity. Why would he want to go out with a girl like me?

"Of course. Let's get to know each other better." He seemed genuinely interested and I was mentally jumping inside my head. Okay, play it cool, Ash.

I was biting my lips unconsciously wondering if it was a good idea. His eyes followed my lips and I started to blush deeply. What harm can one coffee do right? I decided to go with him. I really hope I made the right choice.

We reached a quaint old coffee shop and he opened the door. Quiet the gentleman. As soon as I stepped inside, I was hit with the strong aroma of coffee. I fell in love with the place immediately. It was so small yet so beautiful. I was busy checking out the place that I didn't notice him looking at me amusingly.

"I take it that you aren't from here." He pointed out and I nodded shyly.

"I'm from LA. What about you?" I questioned as I sat opposite to him.

"Born and bred here." He beamed proudly and ordered a caramel latte with extra sugar. I ordered a black coffee.

"So how is NY treating you?" he turned back his attention to me, all I could focus on was his lips moving and how it would feel to kiss them.

" far so good," I replied breathlessly. His eyes bore into mine, as he took a sip of his coffee, making me feel hot inside.

I was actually having a good time and the conversation went pretty smoothly. He was graduating this year and his major was business and I told him about how it was my first day when he bumped into me.

"I must have left one hell of an impression on you," he chuckled and my cheeks burned in embarrassment. Damn right, you did. For some reason, I felt calm and comfortable talking to him but I was feeling hot and bothered physically. I know it was just me because he seemed unaffected.

We both reached for the bill at the same time and our fingers grazed. I quickly pulled my hand back.

"I got this," he winked. Was he trying to make me blush on purpose? I swear if he keeps doing things like that, I'm gonna embarrass myself.

"Give me your phone," he asked as we stepped out of the shop. Before I could process what he said, he took my phone from my hand and started typing in his number. He gave a call to his phone so that he had my number as well.

"It was quite interesting running into you Ashley. I had a great time," he grinned from ear to ear, his eyes not leaving mine.

"I had a nice time too," I replied shyly and broke his gaze by looking at my feet.

"Call me," he gazed at me in an intense manner and walked away. And I finally let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding.

Why should I call him? Just because we had coffee, it doesn't mean I should call him. This is New York. People have coffee and never see each other again right. I tried to reason with myself pathetically. He probably gives his number to random girls and I'm just one of them. I tried to convince myself but I couldn't ignore a small part of me that was feeling giddy with excitement like a schoolgirl.

I was screwed for sure.

Until I Met YouTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon