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(This is just a note to a reader who asked me a question over message)

Yes the blade that is used as the front cover of my book is MY BLADE and is actually a compass blade thing that is used to draw circles on paper.
I do not use this blade to cut myself because it is my last resort if I run out of blades or sharp things or if my friends managed to get hold of my other blades and threw/flushed them away.
Sorry I did not answer your question over message but I had some other people asking me about that over messenger too so I couldn't be bothered to write back so I wrote this note instead.
P.S, if you come to me to rant on about your problems I am not going to help you cause HOW THE FUCK would I do that if MY LIFE IS SHITTIER THAN YOURS?!
I also DO NOT take other quotes from people as this is MY LIFE and unless I have some fucking cyclone/secret twin I didn't know about in some parallel universe/dimension living the EXACT same life as me in the other dimension/universe and contacts me through some high tech parallel multi universe/dimension wattpad thing none of us know about yet then I DO NOT WANT ANY QUOTES!
Thank you.

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