Chapter 6

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Sorry i havent updated ive been busy with school and all that jazz but here it is chapter 6


       My head whips around and im staring right into those grey eyes of my ex-best friend. "What are you doing here!!!???????" I yell-question "i came to see you i missed you" then a thought hits me "arent you with Johanna?" Gale looks at me with loving eyes and i have to look away "I am i just wanted to see you". I run into the house and up into a closet and cry. I dont want Gale here, he killed my sister and hes not even sorry. I eventually end up falling asleep and when i open my eyes im staring into a pair of grey eyes. "What Gale?" i ask him he remains silent and i get up and walk out of the closet because im hungery.

       When i finish my breakfast i start walking to the couch to watch tv but im stopped whenever Gale gets in front of me. I dodge him and run out the door. I go under the fense and grab my bow and arrows and after about an hour i have 7 spruirrels and 5 rabaits.

       After i trade at the hob i walk back to my house in the victors village. When i enter Gale is there leaning aganist the wall in the back. I put my stuff down grab some food and plop myself down on the couch. Then all of a sudden Gales lips go crashing into mine.



so here it is chapter 6 this is kinda a filler chapter as you know school and borning stuff ill try to uplod during the week but who knows Mrs Mellark out!!


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