Final Fantasy X Movie Trailer

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[In the blackness, we hear Yuna's whistle twice.]

Yuna v/o: "The people and friends that we have lost. Or the dreams that have faded. Never forget them."

(fade in)

[Music crescendos into a shot of dream Zanarkand. Auron walks slowly through the streets. As his feet hit the ground in puddles of water, the drops rise into the air.]

Tidus v/o: "Who are you anyway? You knew my old man?" 

Auron v/o: "Yeah."

Tidus v/o: "And you also knew Yuna's father?"

Auron v/o: "That is correct." 

Tidus v/o: "That's impossible!"

Auron v/o: "Nothing impossible about it." 

[Auron raises his jug to Sin as it's wave rises and rolls over the city.]

(cut out/fade in)

[Tidus awakens on Besaid. Floats in water. Sees Wakka and team on the beach.] 

Auron v/o: "This is your story." 

(fade out/in)

[Yuna exits the Chamber of the Faith with group watching. Kimahri helps her as she falls down the steps. She looks at Tidus, adjusts her hair.] 

Yuna v/o: "My name is Yuna. I'm a summoner."

Tidus v/o: "What's a summon-er-er?" Yuna laughs. 

[Yuna summons Valefor with crowd watching. Pets it, sends it away.] 

Priest v/o: "Summoners are practitioners of a sacred art. Sworn to protect the people of Yevon. 

[We see the destruction of Kilika. Yuna dances on the water]

Priest v/o: "They are the blessing of Yevon."

[Tidus watches Yuna dance intensely]

(fade out)

Tidus v/o: "It was then i began to realize how different this world was from my own." 

(cut in)

Wakka: "Everyone, quick! Sin spawn!" 

[The group runs into Sin spawn battle on Kilika steps. Cut to Luca. Shots of people running and screaming through the stadium. A small dragon lumbers into the stands. Auron appears with sword on back, thrusts his arm out, prepares to fight. We see a shot of Anima standing before Seymour, destroying flying creatures as they attack spectators. Cut to Yuna crying as she overlooks the battle of Mushroom Rock.]

Mika v/o: "Men die. Beasts die. Tress die. Even continents perish. Only the power of death truly commands in Spira."

[Sin destroys giant Al Bhed machine.]

(fade out/in)

[Sunset on the Mi'hen highroad. Tidus approaches Yuna from behind and sits beside her.]

Tidus: "What are you doing?"

Yuna: "I wish i could live in a place like this. Peaceful. Living with a smile on my face every day."

Tidus: "Well, you can. Once you defeat Sin." 

Yuna: "I wish i could..."

Tidus: "You can! Trust me. You're the best summoner out there."

Yuna: "But then, a new Sin will be born anyway."

Tidus: "Why? Why does it always come back?"

Yuna: "Sin is punishment for our vanity. And it will not go away until we've atoned."     

[Cut to Tidus looking out at Sin on the horizon in the Zanarkand ruins. Sin passes Cid's airship, the airship hovers over Tidus as he gazes up.]

Tidus v/o: "How can you defeat something so big?"

Yuna v/o: "With the final summoning. It is the only way. With it we can call the final aeon..."

[Shot of Sin sitting on top of the city]

Yuna v/o: "...At the world's edge. In Zanarkand."

[We see Tidus overlooking the ruins of Zanarkand from the Gagazet cliff side.]

[The Bevelle assault music crescendos. Shot of Cid's airship cutting through the clouds. Group slides down cables attached to the platform. They jump onto platform, battle Bevelle guards.] 

[We see quick shots of Seymour's eye in the void. Battle with Seymour Omnis. Shots of blitzball. "My best memories are here" inside the locker room. Bahamut's overdrive. Tidus and Yuna kiss in the air under the moon. Anima's overdrive. Music crescendos.]

(cut out/fade in)

["To Zanarkand" theme plays. We see a young Al Bhed boy, looking out the window of Cid's airship at Evrae. The shot stays at the boy's back as he looks up. The group leaps off the outside deck, one by one falling through the air toward the giant beast.]

Isaaru v/o: "Forgive me, Lady Yuna." 

(fade out/in)

[Tidus stands on the hill overlooking Zanarkand and pyreflies in the sunset.]

Tidus v/o: "Listen to my story. This may be our last chance."

[FFX logo appears as "To Zanarkand" theme turns to full orchestra] 

*First half of the full story coming sometime soon! If you support this and want to see it, find me on Twitter and let me know!*  

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2020 ⏰

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