Chapter 2 some one help me

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As tai told me abut how she had the best day it made me think about my life and how I wanted to change.

"So wouldn't you be happy too?"tay asked

Not hearing a single word she said I just answered with "yeah I guess"

Lunch was 35 minutes but of felt like 10 minutes. My next class was reading lucky for me tay and Diana were in that class I felt saved. I hate having no friends in some classes because then you look stupid and like a loner.

"Hello I am Mrs.Winter and this is reading. We will be reading 5 books total out of this school year and you will take 3 tests on each one.

Reading was my last class of the day it felt good to go home so I went to my locker got my stuff and before I left I put in my ear buds and I was listening to "all in my head by Tori Kelly" I turned my music all the way up so I could not hear anything anybody said to me. I got on to the bus and I was the first person to get off well me tai and Diana we all live in these apartments called "little lake valleys" when I got home my mom was in the kitchen cooking she asked "how was your day"

Fighting the urge to cry I simply said great". I went to my room I shut my door and i just layed on my bed and thought about how wonderful it would be just to be accepted into this world and what it would be like to be pretty and just like all the other girls and boys.

I fell asleep think about it I don't let my mom see me stressed because I don't want her to get stressed. I try my hardest to be strong but it just builds up and one day its all gonna burst out and that's gonna be hell on earth.
   "I see your finally woke said my mom"
"Yeah Im pretty tired I said casuall
y"  I was hoping she did not see the redness in my eyes or the bags under my eyes from crying. I love my mom its just complicated to explain why I'm sad because I feel no one will understand me.
"Okay well I gotta get to work I love you"said my mom

After she left I just put on some music and I started writing some songs this one I'm working on is called delirious.

I write songs because its a release or anger and hurt. I wanna be a singer but I need realistic goals and dreams right now. As I got done with my home work I went to take a shower I put my brown hair up into a bun and of got in the shower. When I got out I took my hair out of the bun and I started to flatiron it for school tomorrow. I really don't wanna go to school. Its just a place to help u better your self but also make you feel like Shit compared to the people around you and no one should ever feel like that.  Because we are all equal and all human

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2014 ⏰

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