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like most mornings, han jisung found himself with five minutes left to get ready, a toothbrush shoved in his mouth, only one of his vans on his foot and his book bag lazily hanging off his shoulder. he checked the time and panicked, running to the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out of his mouth and clean his mouth out with water. he fixed his hair, and put his other van on, running out the front door and grabbing his hoodie.

"ma, im gone!" he yelled before shutting the door and dashing to his bus stop. the bus was literally right there. he gasped and ran faster, reaching the doors and throwing himself into the bus, almost tripping over the steps. he let out a breath of relief, collapsing into the first seat. he felt something heavy under him, but he thought it was just his book bag until he got a tap on the shoulder.

jisung sat up, looking to his right to see a boy that was in his class. he recognized him as 'that jeongin kid, who helps me with my work'. jisung smiled, waving a bit. "im sorry, i didnt see you, gin" he gave a quick nickname to jeongin.

"i-i-it's fine, youre warm a-anyway. not that i w- ah. sorry." jeongin mumbled, looking down at his hands. jisung frowned. thats the one thing he disliked when speaking to jeongin. the boy was so shy whenever jisung spoke to him. it was even more awkward whenever jeongin would re-teach him whatever they were learning in math class. it had gratifying results though, jisungs grade in math has never been better. he thought he'd ask jeongin to be his tutor, but he didnt want to make jeongin uncomfortable.

jisung looked away from jeongin, looking out the window to the left of him. he sat with his hands in his lap, and his knees touching and nibbled on his bottom lip. when the bus came to a stop in front of the school, he got up, grabbing his bag and making his way off the bus with jeongin behind him. when they entered the school, they had to part ways, so he waved bye to jeongin.

he walked down the halls and made it to his locker, putting his things in it and keeping the supplies necessary for his 3 classes before lunch. as he was walking, he kept his head down and watched the tiles as he walked, which was a habit of his. he was spacing out in his thoughts while looking down at his shoes.

'hmm, my shoes are dirty on the side. is that new? nah, it looks like it maybe couldve happened yesterday.. OH! thats right, i was walking and its been rainy lately and my dumbass jumped into this HUGE pudd-' His thoughts were interrupted when he bumped into someone, face into their warm chest. he stumbled back a bit, looking up and blinking. nice smile, pretty teeth, pretty pools of dark honey, fluffy hair, cute nose, nice eyebrows, long pretty lashes, pink plump kissable lips. pink plump kissable lips? pretty pink lips..

he let his brain work and finally recognized the person as lee minho. his eyes widened a bit, and he looked down on the hallway floors to see minhos papers and such on the ground. he leaned down onto one knee, picking up all the papers and handing them back to him. "im so sorry, minho, i wasnt looking!" he managed to spit out, turning red from embarassment. or was it because of the stare minho set on him? god dang it, that stupid crush never went away huh?

jisung kicked his feet a bit, nibbling on his lip and not daring  to look up at minho. oh, minho..

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