「chapter に」

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(my edit again!)

oh god. i just got done with talking to the art teacher. she wanted to see me after school about the last project i turned in. she's concerned again. not sure why. whatever. im panicking now because i realized that now i cant catch the bus, and its raining. my mom is still working and hanna doesn't have her license. ugh. im freaking out.

i remember the guy from starbucks. desperate, i text him

me- hey u off work?

he replies super fast. it's like he was waiting for it. literally less than a minute passes before a reply.

Why wouldnt i be lol. It's been like 8 hours. -damiar

me- idk. this is rlly weird but do u think u could pick me up from school? im stranded.

Ya what school -damiar

me- st peter's highschool lol the only close hs

Ohh right ok be there in 5 -damiar

That fast? wow! he's close by then. i patiently wait forh im to come by. pretty much everyone at the school is gone a half an hour after school ends, so Im just chilling outside the front on my phone. pretty soon a black car pulls up and i see the familiar green haired boy in the drivers seat. oh thank god.

"thank you your a lifesaver," i tell him, getting in the car.

"yeah no problem. how'd you even get stuck at school?" i roll my eyes.

"stupid art teacher wanted to 'check in.' i dunno. give me your phone. ill put the address in." he hands me his phone with little hesitation, waiting for me to type. i write my address  in his phone gps and give it back.

"damn. i was never a teacher's favorite. i just went through without caring enough. in hindsight... eh, i shouldve tried harder" he shrugs and smiles.

"when did you graduate- well how old are you"

"twenty one. you're... seventeen? eighteen? senior right?"

"eighteen. im legal." we both laugh

"well in that case-" he looks over at me and runs his tongue over his teeth "KIDDING! im kidding." not gonna a lie, for a moment, my heart stopped. i laugh.

"are you kidding?" i teasse him

"you're in highschool, skylar." he rolls his eyes.

"im an adult, d-" i stop because i can't pronounce his name "uhh-"


"say it normal dumbass"

"what do you mean normal that's how you say my fucking name"

"okay, damIAr, im an adult." i pout while he drives

"i thought you were at least graduated when i gave you my number." he admits and shrugs.

"yeah i will be soon. anyway, you have snap? instagram?"

"yeah my snap is damiar dot krogh, that's k-r-o-g-h (A/N: not his real snapchat) and my instagram is Benkro_TV." i laugh at his username as i go to insta.

"you sound like some youtube... oh shit." i blink 

"found the account?"

"you're literally famous."

"600k on tiktok baby~!" he laughs

"what the hell! why didn't you tell me! holy fuck!" i laugh and immediately follow his instagram and look up his tiktok. i open the recent video and he cringes a bit as i watch it. it's just pretty much him vibing. he's so fucking adorable. how many fans does he have? i look at the comments, which is mostly people calling him cute.

"awwwww, they're so nice to you" i say, reading through. he just laughs.

"yeah... the benkrew is the best." 

"the benkrew?"

"it's a cool name!"

"almost as cool as 'ben-kro'" i keep making fun of him

"look, it's the first three letters of my middle name, and the first three letters of my last name. damiar BENjamin KROgh." he sighs exasperatedley

"okay, okay, fine. im expecting a follow back."

"i dont know if i want to follow you back now that you're being mean."

"come on benkro, im kidding." i wink at him, a goofy smile on my face.

"what's your user?"


"and you're gonna make fun of me. wow. wowww. okay, skylARS."

"stfu damiar, you're the one over here with mister unDERScore TV on your name"

"at least my username isn't a website url!" we're almost to my house now, so he just adjusts his grip on the steering wheel and sighs dramatically.

"how'd you get popular?" i ask genuinely curious.

"ive been twitch streaming for three years and then i started tiktok. then i  got a lot of followers from comedy and e boy shit and eventually it's lead to this point. the green hair... seemed to help." i listen carefully because a lot of people at school really want tiktok clout.

"of course it did. you're pretty attractive and really nice to people and funny and-" i stop for a second- "you're pretty cool, so like, i see how tiktok people favor you." i blush when i say this and look away

"oh, well-"

"this is my turn!" i try to stop the awkwardness by changing the subject.

"shit, right." he slows a little but still turns pretty sharply. i laugh.

"fifth house on the right." i smile at him.

"okay..." he stops in front of my house and unlocks the doors.

"see ya. thanks for coming in clutch."

"yeah no problem. hey, do you wanna go out sometime? like- somewhere- not just-"

"im down."

"okay, sick. ill call you later? or you can call me."

"whoever calls first." i nod at him and give a little wave before walking away.


okayy this was kinda rushed but whatever lol. i hope you like it! thank u for the nice comments on ch 1 >/////<

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2020 ⏰

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