Chapter 21 - Danger Revealed

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Dragon fate has discovered who is after the young triplets and why. But do they know just how far the dark guild is willing to go to achieve their goal? And do they know the real reason why they want them?

No one P.O.V

"It seems their objective is to capture the three of you," Alula said staring the three in the eye.

"Huh." The three kids stared blankly at the team and Nunki shifted uncomfortably under the weight of their gazes.

"We're not exactly sure why, just that you are their end goal."

"What could they have that they want?"

"As I said before I don't know but we're going to find out I promise you that." Alula walked towards the triplets and put her hands on the girl's shoulders while looking at Luke who was standing in the centre.

Alula turned to Zeta and shared a look. Zeta turned to grab a now very concerned looking Merak as he realised what was about to happen.

"No. No. No. Not that!"

Nunki laughed at Merak who had started to turn green. Zeta just grinned at his reaction and grabbed onto a fleeing Merak arm and disappeared. Everyone sweatdropped at the echoed 'Nooooooooooo' Merak let out as he disappeared.

"Ummmm... is he alright?" Storm turned to face Alula who just shrugged in response.

"He just hates travelling via dispersion."

"What's dispersion?" Nova said now intrigued.


Although Dragon Fate had been members of Fairy Tail for a long time, they had mostly kept to themselves. Nobody really knew anything about the mysterious members, only that they knew Lucy for a very long time and that they were incredibly powerful. For, after all, they all had heard the legend of the Dragons Fate. The ones powerful enough to kill a dragon even without dragon slaying magic. And who when they first arrived beat all the S-class members in one hit.

~Flashback~ (OMG this is the first time doing a flashback[I think])

"Will you join Fairy Tail?" Master Makarov asked the four who were still standing at the door. Alula turned to the rest of the group and asked them what they think.

"Ok, we will join."

Natsu who had temporarily forgotten about Lucy leaving jumped up, pumping his fist asking for a fight.

"I can tell your powerful, fight me." Everyone sweatdropped at Natsu antics.

"Look small fry, you aren't even a challenge for any of us," Marek said with a slight laugh, that then turned into a proper laugh.

"Your rather cocky don't you think," Laxus said as he came to the front of the crowd with his muscled arms crossed.

"It has nothing to do with cockiness, the truth is we are just that much more powerful than all of you." This time it was Nunki who spoke up.

There were cries of outrage at the bold claim the newcomers said.

"Look we are the most powerful guild in all of Fiore," it was now Erza time to get involved as her anger started to be riled up.

'Did she forget that they're more powerful than us. She was literally the one telling us how strong they were and admitted being inferior to them just a few minutes ago.' Wendy thought while hugging onto Carla.

"Look if want to fight us then sure, we can do that. However, to make it a bit fair let's do all you S-class mages against us."

Just as Alula finished talking the ground started to shift and little flying things were announcing the Guildarts magnolia shift. Dragon fate was incredibly confused while the rest of Fairy Tail started grinning thinking that now that he had returned there was no way they could lose.

"Um, what's going on?" Zeta spoke up for the first time in a while.

"That's our strongest member returning. Good luck winning now." Grey said with a grin.

Guildarts eventually reached the guildhall and what he found was scary. It was the first time in many years that something or someone could frighten him. But with the amount of power the four of them were radiating, he couldn't help it.

"Hey, Guildarts you going to help us we are having a sparring match against these four," Natsu said with eagerness in his eyes.

"Ummmmm" Guildarts started to have sweat roll down his face as he contemplated what he should do.

"What, are you afraid of little old us?" Merak said egging him on to fight.

"Oh, ok fine. I'll join the fight."

"Yaaay" The guild was excited to see them face off against one another.

"Let's, take this outside. I don't think that the master wants us to destroy the guildhall."

They all head outside to a small field that was cleared of plants and went to two seperate sides. One side had Dragon Fate and the other the S-class mages. (Btw Natsu & Gray included)

"Let's get this started shall we."

(Im not going to do this properly cuz I'm tired)

All the S-class mages opened off the match by firing their best attacks at the four.

All the attacks collided and let out a massive boon everyone looked on the see how damaged they were. But when the dust cleared all they could see was a golden barrier that blocked every single one of their attacks.

Everyone looked on in shock as the faces of the s-classes morphed into one of disbelief.

An eerie laugh started to echo around the area confusing everyone.

Suddenly Marek was behind them and realised his own spell that knocked out all of them in one go.

"You never should have tried to fight against us."

~Present time ~

"Think off dispersion as teleporting but instead of moving through space time you get ripped apart and travel in billions of particles through space." Nunki said still slightly laughing at his friends expense.

"Ummm. Right so anyway."

"Let's get back to partying."



Everyone soon went back to partying and temporarily forgot about the danger they faced.

So have you ever had one of those days where everything is going great?

But then turns to crap in a split second?

Well that's been today for me. It was finally going great but life just had to intervene. Why was it crap? You may ask. Well one of my oldest and closest friends basically stabbed me in the back. And now I'm just broken. She literally brought me to tears and I don't cry. Like ever. In fact one of my friends even said it slightly scared her that I was crying cuz I just don't.
How fitting is it that this happened on Friday the 13.

Now that I'm writing this I've finally realised just how much my author notes are just like a diary. But better cuz I know that someone else will read it. And that's all I need. For someone else to know. Even if they are halfway around the world.

Anyway I'll just publish this now before I get anymore depressing.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. See you next time. 😊🤗

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