superman x female shazam(1)

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is this right no but eh its for tho's enjoyment

background: supermans real name is Jay (won't type the rest because spoliers)

female shazams real name is Kate

they have been punishing evil doers together for a while now and Kate decided to suprise Jay

Kate Pov

the room was set with hidden magic chains to hold mr. Jay down or he'll resist to the death and probly rip and tear my ass not that i would mind with his stick of steel.

well now the beds set hmm let me put some fog make it more mystical now lets call him over.

let me ring up his number

"hello Jay"

"hello kate need soemthing?"

"yes can i ask you to come over i got a problem with my sink"

"shouldn't you call a plumber?"

"its easier if you use your x-ray to spot the thing blocking the water"

"oh alright i'll be there shortly let me finish playing football with hulk and cap"

"alright see you later (whispers) love"

"you say something?"

"no bye" i hang up quickly my face red with embrassment he didn't hear right yeah were fine let me finish getting ready

she smiles with that of madness  she wasn't always like this until harely quinn was talking to her after kate captured her and she told kate about the birds and the bees na joking she showed kate porn and so kate from their on was already falling for superman so why not give him her first time so he will be hers all hers.

but a darkness also started growing to have superman all to her self see has seen what looks he gets from women, gays, and etc. see hates them looking at him like that.

so everyone that looked at him lile that died a brutal death she make their life hell and most are dead but the ones alive are just broken withput a soul in them you can't even feel their geart beat but its beats slowly.

back to the story she went to break some more people like catwoman and everyother woman so superman can't be taken from her.

Jay Pov

i finished up the game with hulk and cap and now on my way in a taxi but traffic is quite bad and i've noticed theirs very few if any women around as if a large number of them just went poof.

i remeber hearing cap say before i left "hulk we got to leave the earth now"

but after that i couldn't hear since i left in a taxi

i arrive at Kate's house and fog surrounds it well the sink must be badly blocked well time to knock

as i go to knock i feel cold the hairs stand up on my back but i still knock and then darkness.

Kate Pov

as soon as he knocked on the door i knocked him out with magic and now his all mine well lets have some fun

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