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No one P.o.v

It stood in an empty AU facing them was every sans or papyrus in existence. It knew that today was the day It would eighter be killed or they would find out that It was immortal. It just looked at everyone with... well there was no emotion other than emptiness in Its face. It had been broken so much that nothing anyone could do could save It. It just looked and didn't bother to listen to Its opposite telling It that they would die today. Attacks started. It didn't even bother to move away. It hoped to finally die. But nothing had ever been like It wanted. It felt enormous amounts of pain. It didn't try to block run or anything at all. It eventually collapsed and hoped it all would end but it only did by the time they thought they had killed It. By the time they finally check had all the black from Its bones been burned or cut off. People gasped at what they saw and the oh-so beloved creator ran up to the now white skeleton just to fell on his knees and cried his heart out holding It yet so gently. A black substance tried to crawl over to It again but was stopped and trapped. 

"Why did it have to be you out of all people?" The creator asked and hugged It. The black substance escaped and reattached itself onto It. The creator was quickly dragged backward so He wouldn't be infected too. It screamed out in pain as Its suffering started a new. Ink held him trying to pry it of. Sci came running to him and injected something into Its bones. Sci also ripped Ink away from It. Ink tried to run back and help him but sci held him. 

"Ink the liquid I injected will make his magic flow out and kill of the thing attacking him but also anyone that is to close," Sci said. Ink still struggled but the parasite slowly died. It was in so much pain that it could do nothing but just lay there. All Its magic was stripped from It which made all the pain seems ten times worse. It twitched in pain.

"Ink who is that?" Dream tried to ask but Ink broke free from Sci and ran towards It. He picked It up and opened a portal to undermed. Ink ran in and literally begged the best healer to heal It. They took It and ink was left in a waiting area. Dream blue and a few others came running figuring out where Ink went.

"Ink who was that?" Dream asked.

"You seriously don't know?" Classic added

"Dream isn't that old only the oldest AUs know about him, " Ink said

"But still who is he?" Dream asked.

"His name is balance. He is my older brother,"

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