
547 28 20

No one P.o.v

Balance Picked up his old violin. It was a gift from the sanses once and he thought that Ink had broken it. He had it in his anti void for years before he found it broken but it must have been another violin. He placed the instrument under his chin and placed the bow ready to play but he noticed a small message. 'Happy Birthday brother. I know I'm late but because of my short term memory Could I only remember it was somewhere in April. your room is soundproof. Also, check the dress part of your walk-in closet.' He read. He felt happy about the room being soundproof but he didn't know if he should trust this to actually be his Violin now. He had a way to find out tho. He would have to check later as he placed the violin in its case and closed it. The door was suddenly kicked down. Blue stormed in and expected to see Balance cowering in the corner not to see him start panicking. Blue walked over to him and succeeded to calm him down before it got too bad.

"Why did you break my door?" Balance asked

"I was afraid that you would begin to hallucinate," Blue said.

"This place is new so it will take my mind a week or so to make it possible for me to hallucinate," Balance said. Blue nodded and noticed the instrument case but chose not to mention it.

"How about I show you around and introduce you to the people that are already here?" Blue asked. He got a nod in response. They left the room and walked straight to the living room. Balance looked in.

"Nope," He walked the other direction. Cause someone thought it would be a good idea to introduce all fell sanses first and Balance remembers how much their attacks hurt. Blue gently took his hand holding him back a little.

"Nope I am not going in there without some kind of protection," Balance said confusing everyone that heard. Balance walked around the corner opened a portal talked with one of the bad sanses and walked back.

"Now I'm ready," Blue looked confused but they walked in. Balance being his shy self hides behind Blue. 

"Okay go on introduce yourselves," Blue said.

"This is really fucking stupid we all know each other's names age and shit like that," G Fell said. Blue facepalmed. He didn't realize. Fell stood up moved blue and looked at the shy guy behind him.

"Don't," Blue said

"This thing is stupid This idea is stupe THAT SKELETON CAN'T BE THE OH SO SCARY DESTROYER AND I DON'T GIVE A CRAP ABOUT YOUR FUCKING RULES!" He yelled. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around to look Dust dead in the eyes.  Their eyes pierced the others but Fell remembers what dust once did to him.

"buddy how about you calm the fuck down and stop scaring balance you must remember him as your old enough or did that brother of yours beat you so bad that you simply forgot? how about we have a nice little chat about this in the basement?" Dust then dragged The terrified skeleton with him. 

"That was your protection?" Rasberry asked. Balance didn't answer he was busy sitting in the corner with fells pocket knife. It fell from his pocket. He was stabbing himself and no one noticed.

"Guys leave I'll take care of him," Blue sighed and Geno entered.

"No you won't you will go to bed you haven't slept in almost a week," Geno said throwing him out of the room. He walked over to balance and saw him cutting and tried to take the knife from him but balanced flipped it close and ate it. Geno just stared. The stares made Balance uncomfortable. Geno sighed and picked up the bleeding skeleton. He took him to the bathroom to clean him but Balance passed out halfway there...

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