where did he go

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I went back to the house to try and calm myself down. I turn on the TV and see the bullshit capitals daily news. Always the same shit. I was just about to change the channel when the reporter says a message from the president. "The virus has mutated even more and puts everybody in danger it is not only transmitted by blood, but it's now adapted to be air born and lethal. Stay safe and remember God is good."
That stupid bitch. All she makes people believe is that this is God's will and all this is happening for the right reasons. But they still haven't figured out why. The Capitol was built to run tests and separate the weak from the strong. And the sick from the healthy. They've been looking for a cure for as long has the virus has been around. Nothings worked yet.

I turn the channel over, then I hear the sirens go off and the warning lights shift on. I immediately grab my coat and run out the door, panic, cries and screams cloud my thoughts as I push and squeeze my way through the crowds. "Dad!?" I yell out. "Taylor! Where are you!?" I get pushed down and trampled on, knocking me out. I wake up in a dark room with red lights and sounds of heavy breathing and scuffling. I look around and adjust my eyes only to see Taylor and my dad sat beside me. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I spit out as I hug them both. There it goes. The noise of the infected trying to get in and claim us for their dinner, for us to rise again and crave flesh and blood like them.

"They can't get in can they? We've never used this bunker before. H-How do we k-"
"I promis you'll be safe" my dad replied. I nodded and lay back down to rest, I drifted slowly back to sleep with my dad holding my hand. My conscious mind woke up in my dream, me, my dad and my mom were baking cookies and laughing about how much sugar I spilt. The sugar spilt over the side of counter and melted into water and we were all walking all long the dam and then all of a sudden we were running from those things and I slipped and nearly fell off, my parents helped me up and we carried on running. She stopped. My mom stopped dead in tracks and looked at me with tears in her eyes and said I love you before jumping off the dam. My dad dragged me away and.. Mom! I screamed myself awake. I looked to Taylor "where's my dad?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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