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I was turning 18 today.

Miranda was in my dorm with me.

"So, what are you doing tonight?"


"Ugh. No fun."

"We graduate in a week. I'm celebrating with all of them then."

"You mean Flicka, right?"

"Shut up."

We laughed.

"I love you too."

"I love you."

My roommate, Kylie entered.

"I'm taking it you didn't tell your Dad about Jack and you?"

"No. Not yet."

"Jack is only seven years older than you. What's there to be scared of?"

"Telling Dad."

"That dude scares the hell out of anybody."

Rob's POV

Katy was turning 18 today.

Nell and I were suspicious of Katy and Jack and how much time they spent together last Summer because of a notebook Katy left out.

She was looking for her diary.

"You find it?"

"Nope. I searched her whole room. She's got to have it with her. What teenage girl would leave her diary home when they're going to be two hours away? Especially if they're trying to keep a secret from their parents. I went through the computer too. No hidden diary entrees. Or maybe she just has the journal for the Summer."

"No. If that was it, she wouldn't have left it out in the open. She would've hidden it from us."

"When I was her age, I took my diary with me all the time. Didn't want my Dad to find out about you."

"I have a guess where she would've hid it." It was Howard.

I turned around.

"I finished all my finals. Did you really think I wasn't coming back?"

Nell and me hugged him.

Howard ran upstairs.

You saw him lift her bed up.

"Nope. It's not where she keeps the stuff she wants to hide from you."

Howard, Jack, Gus, and me were herding horses.

"Shh." I told all of them.

"How they look?" I asked Howard.

"Well, pretty much the same as yesterday."

"That can change in a heartbreak."


"You know, animals are a lot like us, Howard-- They'll... Always find a way to tell you exactly how they're feeling. You just got to learn to listen to them."

Jack and Gus looked at each other.

"Katy turns 18 today, right?" Gus questioned.

"Yeah. Katy said she wants to celebrate after the Graduation. She graduates in a week."

Flicka was running around, only eating a little bit of grass. Just as much as the others.

"Do you have something you need to tell me, Jack?"

"I knew Katy was training Flicka behind your back."

"Is that all?"


"Funny thing is, Nell found Katy's journal from last Summer. A lot of time you and her hung out. With Flicka. Riding together, helping her brush Flicka out, etc."

"Well. I guess she likes hanging out with me. What else can I tell you?"

"I think you know what I'm talking about."

"No, I don't."

"Let's bring them in."


"Let's go!" I ordered.

"Hyah! Hyah!"

"Watch yourself, Jack!" I yelled.

"Let's go!" Jack yelled.

"Come on! Come on!"

Most of them followed me because Flicka was running along side me.

Gus opened the gate for me.

I rode in, getting all the horses in.

We rode back to the barn.

I walked back in the house with Howard.

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