Chapter 46: I Know What To Do Now

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"Can you come see me again?"


"Who else do you know that's in jail, Mike? Yes of course it's me."

I call him before breakfast, forgetting that the jail makes us get up earlier than most. I can tell I woke him up, his voice is groggy and quiet. The phone shifts, like maybe he's pressed it against his shoulder so he can rub sleep out of his eyes. Mike yawns.

"I guess. When?"

"As soon as possible." My head is still pounding, sore from where Grifta smashed it against the shower tile.

"Are you ok?"

I glance over my shoulder. Garda Girdle is picking her nails, absentmindedly. Shiv is staring me down, suspiciously. I haven't told her my plan yet.

I don't have a plan, I just know I need to do something to help Steak.

If I'm suddenly shy there are at least two reasons why in here... Because he'd almost said he loves me, and because he's off his ADHD meds.

But Mike has meds! How can I get him to bring them in?

"Just come visit when you can. I don't need commissary money or anything, it's not that. I just – I miss you." I lie, cupping my throbbing head again. I feel my pulse quicken.
I remember one of Steak's first letters. How he'd told me Mike's apology wasn't for my benefit, it was only to clear his conscience. Steak thought I'd never get another letter from Mike again. I hope he was wrong about that. I hope we have enough friendship left that Mike would visit me.

"Sure I guess," he says.

"Obviously you need to get him ADHD meds," says Shiv, when I show her Steak's most recent letter. "That blows Kristina Kelly's move out of the water! She beat up his ex, sure, that's a nice display of affection," she rolls her eyes. "But you could go full Bonnie and Clyde for him. Show him you're a real down bitch! You're even better than the ex girlfriend! Sure she let him take the prescription pads but then she turned him in! Without him even having to ask, you'll smuggle in new drugs for him. It'll be like you're becoming him! Oh my god he's going to think that's so fucking hot!"

"I already made plans to see Mike."

Shiv looks stumped. "Your lame ex? Why?"
"I guess I never mentioned it – he's got ADHD as well, they're probably on the same medication."

"Oh yeah, I overheard that in the library!"

"I don't know how to hint at him that I want him to bring them, but, this was my first thought when I heard–"

"Oh my god!" Shiv giggles. "I was mostly joking! You would really smuggle in drugs for Steak?"

"ADHD meds," I correct her. "Not, like, heroin."

"You're so gonna fall in love. That's bad-ass, babe! I'll tell you how to do it, I mean – not that I know already, but we can figure it out. Wow this is true romance shit, for real. You know, obviously drugs have been passed on the bowl. But I don't know if I've heard of someone like you bringing them in: no obvious connections, it's unrelated to your sentence, you don't even want to steal a few for yourself..."

"It's just the right thing to do, isn't it? It's not his fault he needs them. I can't believe the doctor could just –"

"We'll fix it for him, babe, honest," says Shiv, her body dancing with nervous energy now that I've finally brought some real drama into her life... She grabs my hands and spins me around the room, dipping me unexpectedly so my hair almost grazes the toilet water.

"Don't worry!" she giggles as I reach to pull it into a ponytail, struggling out of her grip. "I'm your best friend, it's my job to keep your hair from touching the toilet. When you puke, when you're talking the bowl, when we're dancing... I'll help you with anythin', love!"

"Even getting drugs for Steak?" I ask, suddenly out of breath (thought I'm not sure if that's from dancing or nerves.)

"Of course," says Shiv. "I've got a plan forming already. All we need to do is find someone who's getting out..."

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