Chapter 25

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Waking up the next morning wasn't so pleasant. Kyle was basically on top of me, his arms wrapped around my torso and his legs thrown across my body. He was treating me like a teddy bear. I groaned and tried to slip out from under him, but he just hugged me tighter.

"Kyle," I hissed, wiggling around the best I could. He groaned. "Kyle, you're cutting off my circulation, get off of me."

"Mom, no," He moaned, burying his head deeper into my neck. I sighed, rolling my eyes. If only he wasn't such a heavy sleeper. I moved my head to the side, pressing my lips up against his eat before yelling "Kyle!" He jumped up like his butt was on fire, screaming like a little girl. I, of course, burst out laughing.

"Jesus," He breathed, pressing a hand over his hard, "You scared the shit out of me." The look on his face made me laugh harder then I already was.

"Sorry. I. Didn't. Mean. To. Scare. You." I gasped I between giggles.

"Stop laughing," He pouted, sticking out his bottom lip. I shook my head, laughing so hard I couldn't stop. It was one of those times where you just couldn't control your laughter and you were just shaking. "Fine, I warned you." Before I could respond Kyle jumped on top of me, straddling my hips and attacking my sides with his fingers.

"No!" I gasped, crumbling into hysterical laughter once more. Kyle continued to tickle me, despite the fact that my face was turning purple.

"Say the magic words!" He laughed, leaning closer to me. Suddenly, he stopped tickling. He was just hovering over me, a few inches from my face. I gulped. "Say 'Kyle is an amazing sexy beast and I love him more then air' and I'll stop." He whispered.

I gulped again. Where had my voice gone all of a sudden? "Kyle is an amazing beast and I love him more then air." I croaked out. Slowly, Kyle rolled off of me, not even taking his eyes from my face. Okay, what the heck just happened?

"So what's the plan for today?" Kyle asked, standing up and stretching. My eyes glued to his bare chest for a brief second before he coughed. Damn it, I was having some serious issues!

"I don't know," I said, rolling over and standing up. I had to pull Kyle's shit down because it had rolled up, exposing most of my upper body, when Kyle tickled me. "How about we eat breakfast and head down to the pool?"

"Swimming sounds good," Kyle nodded. I smiled. Yay!

"Okay, meet you downstairs in ten?" I asked, cocking my head. He nodded, already rummaging through his suitcase to find a swim suit. I walked into the hall, sighing when I remembered I had left my room key in the hotel room. "Scott!" I screamed, banging my fist onto the door.

About five minutes, constant banging, and five phone calls later, Scott finally opened the door. He was still half asleep with his hair tousled. I laughed.

"Why are you still asleep? It's nine in the morning!" I exclaimed, running over to my suitcase. I'm not sure why I was so happy, but I wasn't about to let go of it.

"Because no one on gods green earth should be up at nine in the morning," Scott moaned, letting himself collapse onto the bed.

"So I'm guessing you're not going swimming with me and Kyle?" I asked with a smirk. I found my purple bikini with the black lace and grabbed some shorts, heading to the bathroom.

"Hell no!" I head Scott yell before I closed the door. After changing into the bikini, pulling on the shorts and putting Kyle's t-shirt on top, I pulled my hair into a messy bun and was ready to go. I ended up leaving my room at the same time Kyle left his, which was convenient.

And no, I did not forget a room key this time.

"You're still wearing my shirt?" Kyle asked, cocking an eyebrow.

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