1-7 & 1-8

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1-7: You go left, believing that left is where all the swag is at. You find yourself in a humid desert, with nothing but sand, cacti, and what appears to be a road-runner for miles and miles to come.

Running for a little bit, you stop, dying for thirst. What do you do?

A: Look for something to cut down the cacti with. They always have water. -2-1.

B: Faceplant into the sand. -2-2.

C: Follow the road-runner. -2-3.

1-8: You head right, thinking that this is way legit. You suddenly teleport to the moon. How is this even possible?! You think, weirded out. This isn't legit... You suddenly grab your neck. You remember that oxygen on the moon isn't steadiful in the least. You need an oxygen mask, but where to look?

A: Hop into a crater. They look trustworthy enough. -2-4.

B: Journey across the moon. Why not? It's THERE. -2-5.

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