Chapter 1: Running with a New Companion from Old Enemies

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Mayumi’s P.O.V. (5 years earlier)

I sighed contently as the rain poured down all around. I was sitting under a giant oak, eyes half closed, and a small smile playing on my lips. I loved rain storms. They don’t happen often, but when they do, they don’t stop for hours- sometimes days.

I was just dozing off, leaning my head back against the bark of the tree, when I felt a little nose nudge my arm. I looked down to see a little silver/gray kitten with big blue eyes looking up at me. The poor thing look half starved and sick, with water dripping off of it‘s little whiskers.

The kitten nudged me again and mewled weakly, looking up at me with big blue eyes full of sadness. 

(A/N- have you ever had a kitten look at you that way?? IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO RESIST!!) 

“Aww, you poor baby..” I cooed gently, picking the small kitten up and noticing that it was a female.

I put the little kitten in my lap and pulled out of my bag some bread that I had stolen from the kitchen before I left the Mist Village. I tore off little piece and started feeding the little she-cat slowly. She mewled happily and ate the little bits straight from my hand.

“You’re a cute little girl, aren’t you?” I smiled down at the feline. “I guess I could take you with me… seems you don’t have a home either..” It seemed the kitten understood, as it started to purr against me.

“It’ll be dangerous, little one. I’m on the run from some deadly people..” I warned, feeling a little stupid for talking to a cat.

The little silverette lifted her head and purred, rubbing her head against my stomach, as if agreeing that she should go with me.

I sighed and smiled. It seemed that I didn’t have a say in the matter. I had been on the run from the Mist Village for all of three days and I’d already had 2 encounter with their search parties. I knew I was going to have to leave soon, probably during the night, and make for another town.

I looked down at the now sleeping kitten on my lap and smiled.

“I guess I have to name you now,” I spoke, already thinking.

“How about… Miyako?” I asked more to myself than to the kitten, but I got my answer when her big blues looked up into my own and she purred, nudging my hand, then curling up to go back to sleep.

“Miyako it is then” I smiled, gently petting my new companion. It was gonna be a long night.

(2 years later)

I’m 18 now. Legally allowed to be on my own, yet the Mist Village still won’t leave me alone. It’s been two years since I’ve left and I’ve been to 34 different towns and small villages, avoiding ninja villages all I could. If they knew the secret I held, they’d be after me just like the Mist is..

I sighed from the window sill of my “rented” apartment and looked out at the night sky. I didn’t really rent this room. I kinda broke in and made it my own for a few nights, disappearing during the day.

My now short black hair whipped in front of my eyes as the wind blew. I had cut it after a year of being on the run. Now the only long parts were the two low pigtails near the base of my neck, and they reached the middle of my back. The rest would be considered a “guy” cut. I wore a black mask now to cover my face, seeing as when I turned 17 I had 7 marriage proposals. All from different towns.

A light meow distracted me from my thoughts, and I looked down beside me to see Miyako sitting next to me and looking at my face. I smiled and picked her up, placing her in my lap and petting her silver fur. She had gotten big in the past two years. No longer a scrawny scrap of fur, but a tall, lean, she-cat that acted as my second pair of eyes and my constant companion.

A few weeks ago, I had discovered that if I channeled my chakra correctly, I could see through Miya’s eyes and hear and smell everything she did. It made sense though, my family, before they were killed in an invasion, were closely bonded to felines of all kinds. I was last one, though. My mother, father, and I had been the last Hoshiko’s, until rogue ninja’s attacked our village and killed my parents along with several others. The Kage took me in and raised me, until he planned to use me.

I looked down at the sleeping feline curled up on my black ninja shorts, with her tail flicking my black tank top. I loved Miya more than I have ever loved any human, ever. She was a part of me, and I thank the stars that she found me that rainy night.

I was just about to doze off when I heard a crash from downstairs.

“Where is she?! We know she’s here!”

“Check upstairs!! Go!”

“Be prepared to use force!!”

I cursed under my breath. How the hell did they find me so quick?!

Miya instantly jumped awake and I ran to the other side of the room, grabbing my already packed bag and headed for the window. 

Just as I was about to jump out, the door flew open and 5 ninja ran in, all wearing the same Mist headband. I hissed and stood on the window sill.

“Stop! You’re coming back with us, Mayumi!” one of them yelled, all holding kunai, ready to strike

“Like hell I am! Tell Lord Mizukage that I’m never going back to his schemes!” I yelled, jumping out of the window. I hissed in pain when a kunai grazed my arm, but I kept focus and landed on the balls of my feet. Looking up, I mock saluted the men staring down at me in anger, and I ran off. 

(A/N- The Mizukage is not the same as in the series. This is a bad-a mofo who is a total douche. Just saying. It ain’t miss Terumii Mei)

(3 years later)

Oh. My. Fucking. Gosh. They won’t leave me alone! It’s been 5 years and those assholes are still following me. I pulled out my twin blades and turned suddenly, slicing one’s arm clean off and stabbing him through the heart.

This was getting old.

I jumped away as a shuriken came from the trees and almost cut my cheek. I turned and raised my swords to block the kunai that was coming for my chest. I kicked off the ninja who came at me, when I suddenly felt a pain in my side. I looked behind me to see a female smirking evilly at me as she dug her kunai deeper into my side. Gritting my teeth, I drew one of my swords from my blocking stance and drove it deep into her stomach.

I gasped as the jounin in front of me rammed his knee hard into my stomach and knocking me back. Coughing up blood, I smirked up at him and whistled loud. A yowl of anger was heard as a large silver cat of two and a half feet tall and 5 feet long jumped from the trees and attacked the ninja. Miya’s claws raked against the mans side and his face, leaving him dead or close to it. I smiled up at my lovely cat and groaned in pain. Miya growled and finished off the last of my followers as I tried to get my strength up enough to move.

I felt a nudge and I wrapped my arm around Miya’s neck, letting her support me. Miya had grown quite large in 5 years, revealing that she was more than just an average cat. She helped me to stand, and with the last of my energy, we ran/walked as far away from the massacre as we could. Just as I was about to black out, I saw huge gates with the Fire symbol written on them. Please don’t let them be a ninja village…

(A/N- This is my first chapter. Please tell me what you think!! Constructive criticism is smiled upon :) Please add and vote :) The first to leave a comment will get the next chapter dedicated to them! :3)

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