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This is my first ever lemon- hope you enjoy- rEeEeeEeEE

*Nightmare's POV*

I was walking down a path in snowdin after all the monsters had been killed, i heard a portal opening and i watched as Dream stepped out of it.

"Nightmare?" He sounded surprised

I wanted to say: That's my name Don't ware it out but i'm not exactly all buddy-buddy with him so that would just make things awkward. So i just let out a groan and said

"What do you want?"

"I just haven't seen you in a while- and- I just- I felt- uhh negativity over here- so i.. uh.. came to check it out..?" He stuttered

Man, i have never heard somebody stutter that frickin' much-

*Dream's POV*

I standing in snowdin- WITH MY CRUSH INFRONT OF ME- I know it's so wrong but it feels so right...

It takes me a couple of moments to notice that he's just staring at me..

"Hakuna matata?"

That was possibly the worst way to break the awkward silence because now we're sitting here in an even more awkward scilence..

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh call me later:D"

I throw a piece of papaer at him that has my number on it then run through a portal, sit on my bed, turn my phone on, and start texting:)


Dream: Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

*About two hours later*

Dream: Are you ignoring me?

Nightmare: I didn't actually think you were serious..

Dream: sO uhhhhhh lets play a game!

Nightmare: no.

Dream: okay we have to tell two lies and one truth, when the other guesses the truth they get to ask a question and the other person has to answer it truthfully

Nightmare: fine..

Dream: I'll go first:
I hate ketchup
I have a crush
I hate dogs

Nightmare: K so whos your crush? -.-

Dream: Was it that easy!?

Nightmare: Mostly every sans loves ketchup, you run after dogs like your life depends on it, and its not that extreme to have a crush:)

Dream: k so this is gonna get awkward, but this is why i gave you my number

Nightmare: ?

Dream: WAIT- Are you against incest..?

Nightmare: This seems like it's about to get really weird but.. no i'm not against it..


Nightmare: first of all, that was hard to read. Second of all, i don't hate you. Third of all, i feel the same way..

Dream: YOU DO!?

Nightmare: come to the mansion



Dream: On my way;)

Nightmare: wTf-

Dream: that was a joke-

*Meanwhile in real life*

I burst through the door of Nightmares room. The look on his face is PRICELESS

"Okay, lets just get this started" I close the door and take my cape off

"Wait what-"

"Were gonna have fun tonight" I smile and look at him meamwhile taking my gloves off aswell

*Nightmares POV*

I don't know if i'm regretting this or loving this but I slowly start to take my clothing  off. After a couple minutes we're both fully naked and staring at eachother.

Dream looks at me and comes closer and then.. he kisses me

I'm starting to painc, i've never kissed anyone before! How the hell am i supposed to do this!?- Scratch that my body kmows what its doing. I push Dream to the bed and stare into his golden eyes

"Preperation..?" I ask awkwardly

"Yeah" he smiles

I walk over to my closet and search around before I find what I'm looking for. An unused bottle of lube. I close the closet door and turn back, to my surprise Dream summonded an ecto body. I nervously walk up to him and sit down. I but the lube on my fingers and stared at Dream again.

"I- err- Are you ready?" I asked obviously embarrassed

He noddes and i put my fingers in his ass(that was so awkward to write:/) he lets out a small moan so i start thrusting my fingers in and out

*Like 30 minutes later"

"Oh god.. I'm ready Nightmare, just fuck me already" Dream was starting to get a bit impatient


I grab some more lube and apply it to my cock and then aligned myself to Dream's ass

"You ready..?"

"Yes!" Dream looks at me

Oh god- I inserted myself into Dream's tight hole with Dream moaning

"Do you need to adjust..?" I asked

He nodded and about 30 minutes lated he bucked his hips into mine signaling me to go. I start at a slow pace but then gradually get faster

"Fuck me harder~!" Dreams moans fill the room

*like an hour later-*

Dreams came about seven times and I've finally came I pull out and flop down next to him on the bed. Then i realized we needed to be cleaned off so I picked him up bridal style and carried him into the bathroom


The end! Again that was my first lemon so i hope you enjoyed- ;w;

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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