Circling Stars

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Junmyeon says farewell to Baekhyun early on a Sunday morning. He loads his overnight bag into his car and sets google maps on his phone for the address of the conference, waving him off as he backs down the drive. Baekhyun has a boyfriend now (who would have thought?) and it was Junmyeon's idea that he spend the night over for the first time. It'll be nice to give them space, he thinks as he pulls out onto the main street. Give them some time alone together.

The drive is peaceful and Junmyeon bluetooths in all the music that Baekhyun normally barely tolerates, singing along embarrassingly loudly while he's by himself. It takes him about an hour and a half to get to the hotel that the legal conference is being held at and once he arrives there's a valet out the front to take his car and usher him inside to check in. Junmyeon isn't speaking on a topic today so he's just a regular attendee, which makes the registration process a little simpler. So much so that despite the travel time Junmyeon figures he has enough time to dump his little bag and head back down to catch most of the afternoon's talks.

The key card takes one or two goes to give him the little green light at his room and Junmyeon juggles his bag to get it to work. Finally though it flashes admittance and he can get inside. With the heavy drapes drawn and the lamps down low, the room looks like twilight already and as Junmyeon is absently fishing along the wall for the slot that will allow his card to activate the lights, movement in a chair by the window makes him jolt back against the door, a hand going to his chest.

"Jesus Christ." Junmyeon's heart hammers against the other side of his ribs and he sucks in a deep breath, letting it out with a shaky chuckle, "Don't do that to me."

Gold cuff-links flash in the lamplight as Sehun raises a glass of deep red liquid. Wine, Junmyeon's mind supplies blearily. At two in the afternoon. He manages to locate the card holder and stuffs the plastic home. The overhead lights come on.

"How did you get in here?"

Sehun smiles from where he's lounging on one of the overstuffed chairs, a leg thrown haphazardly over the armrest. "You obviously read the overhead well before you came here."

Junmyeon crosses to the small desk that sits recessed near the minibar. "Ah." He remembers. Zhee, Rose and Associates – Hosted at Oh Towers. "How long has your father owned the building?"

"Long enough." Sehun swings his leg down to face Junmyeon, the wine glass cupped in both hands between his knees. "I used to play on all these floors when I was a kid, while everyone worked." He shrugs, looking impish. "I still know who to sweet talk to give me a cleaner's key."

Junmyeon laughs. "Yeah well you can take your key and go hide out somewhere else, Mr Oh."

Sehun sinks back into the cushions. "Mr Oh is my father. I've told you, call me Sehun."

Junmyeon deposits his bag on the desk and takes out a fresh tie, glancing quickly at Sehun as he does. "I know," he replies quietly. Sehun stands as Junmyeon slips the material around his neck and Junmyeon gets his first look in the better lighting at the other man. "And your father isn't going to like that," he laughs, spotting the pastel pink tinge Sehun has run through his hair. It looks so good on him that Junmyeon drops his gaze.

Sehun places the glass on a side table and raises his eyebrows smugly. "He can't say anything about it until I'm out of college. Until then it's my decision."

"Uh huh," Junmyeon teases, hiking up his collar. "There will be words. Don't be surprised if a maid comes in with a packet of bleach while you're sleeping."

Sehun's footsteps bring him closer and Junmyeon is suddenly aware of just how close he is. A hand reaches out and takes hold of the end of the tie. Junmyeon keeps his eyes down, fiddling uselessly with his collar as he can feel his heartrate kick back up again. Junmyeon closes his eyes, swallowing. This isn't... he can't.

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