Chapter 1: Finding your "shadow"

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A Cold spring night was filled with misty air, and Fog had started Filling the woods as a Young Black haired girl was in search for new victims. She walked around, hearing the Crushing of Grass under each step she took. The young Teenager walked till she soon saw something odd. She had never remembered there ever being a shed in the middle of slender woods. The girl walked up to it and started knocking gently to see if anyone was in it, with no response she tried again. Now that the coast was clear she opened the door, she looked around fog slowly coming into the Shed. "Wow.." The girl hushed to herself now walking in deeper into the shed. what was before her was a Blood stained shed, it had many weapons from guns to knives, Rope and even a Shovel. The Girl looked as a scent that was oh so familiar filled her nose, the smell of Fresh blood. The Girl turned around to see a Someone not that much older then her right in the doorway, they wore a black hood with a single stripe on each sleeve that was light grey. The person was Wearing a light grey mask and they Blue eyes Were like glowing Orbes in the darkness. The Girl stepped back  "I-um" the black haired girl looked down to see a Blood stained knife in the Persons hand, in the other... A head... The girl in shock backs away more. "Who the hell are you!?" Asked the Killer, their Voice was raspy and muffled because of the mask, but The black haired girl knew the gender right away from the voice, it was a Girl. The Black hooded girl stepped into the Shed as the hood slowly fell down, there was ash blonde hair mixed with honey blood haired girl, she dropped the head and lowered her mask, her face was covered in cuts and Scrapes."I will ask again. Who. Are. You." The girl said sternly a frown placed upon her face, on one side of her mouth was a large gash had was in the middle of healing. The girl galp and took a deep breath "I-I'm Lulu..." Lulu smiled nervously at the Blonde girl then dropped her head now looking down to the floor. The Girl walked up to her "Lulu Huh?" The blonde put her knife into her pocket and extended her hand "the names Shadow Walker, I've heard of you. You take people's eyes right?" The girl said calmly. Lulu took Shadow walkers hand and shook it. "What are you doing in a Shed in the woods? Doesn't it get cold?..." Shadow looked up to Lulu and Nodded "Yeah it gets cold but I go out killing because moving around helps me stay warmer. And I live here because it's all I have" she looked around. Lulu tilted her head slightly. "wait so you don't sleep???..." Shadow shook her head "no often, sometimes I just pass out, out of nowhere." She said bluntly. Lulu felt bad for the girl which now up close was shorter then her. "Well I have a Friend, he could maybe take you in, he's house is Big enough." Shadow brought her Gaze back to the black haired girl "wha- really? But I wouldn't want to intrude." Shadow said. Lulu shook her head "he wouldn't mind he's open for a lot of murderers! Plus there's lots of us." Shadow smiled and nodded " ok then let's go!" She said then put on her mask and raised her hood. Lulu walked out the shed and into the fog to walk to none other than Slender mansion.

(I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of my book! Please vote or even Comment! Thank you ❤️💕)

Word count : 633

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2020 ⏰

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