Two Night Stand

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I knocked on the twice. No response. I knocked again. Still no answer. What was I supposed to do now? I was contemplating whether I should leave or knock again when I heard a muffled "COMING!" yelled from inside the apartment. I stood waiting and was about knock again when I heard a crash and a silent "dammit" then the door being unlocked. The door opened to reveal the sexy god-like guy that I had been intimate with barely two weeks ago, and he was in only a towel, his hair dripping water onto the wood floor. "Hey" I said awkwardly, waiting for him to answer me, trying to look anywhere but his bare chest. He just looked at me confused, trying to figure out why I would come back after we promised that it was a two night stand, nothing more. Nothing like the best two nights of my life. No, no. Well at least not that he knows. he suddenly straightened and smiled down at me "Please come in. Make yourself comfortable. I'll go put on some clothes and be right back." I sat down on the couch and took my phone out, checking my Twitter. Cliche, I know, but I was too nervous to do anything else. So, I went to my favorite account, the Whataburger account and looked at the pictures of the food. I'm pretty sure I started drooling. I would have drooled all over his nice couch if he hadn't come back downstairs, fully clothed in basketball shorts and a Vans shirt. "So, Lis, why are you back?" He didn't say it rudely, more in confusion. A few moments of awkward silence passed before I finally got the guts to tell him why I was here. "I am pregnant. And ... It's yours." His mouth dropped and he looked completely shocked. He finally whispered after a few minutes of silence, "I'm going to be a dad?"

"Yes. You, Cameron Dallas, are going to be a dad."

Sound good? I hope so. Thanks for reading and keep reading to get the full story! Thanks :)

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