Chapter 1

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>Chapter 1<

"Be careful Elisabetta, there are many mans who will try to take advantage of girls who pretty like you are. Be carefuls and call me all the day time. Capisce?" You see, my mom's English isn't that well. But hey, she's trying and you can understand so it's all good. "Don't worry about me mom. I will be okay. I will call you whenever I get the chance. Just remember, I am going to be very busy so don't go calling Papa every time I don't call or don't answer. He doesn't need to worry. Capisce?" She rolled her eyes and hugged me one last time. "Te amo amori." Her nickname for me since I could talk. "Love you too mama. Now I have to go. My flight is going to board soon." Right when I said that, the lady on the intercom said flight 2132 was boarding, the flight that was taking me to my new life.

*skip all the flight stuff*

I landed in California and got off the plane, walking to the baggage claim to collect my suit cases. Once I had them I looked for the rental car place and finally got my car and was excited to find the apartment I would be staying at. I had rented a Range Rover with a dock to connect my phone. I started blasting my Italian pop music and took out the GPS so I could find the place that would soon become home. After I got there I went inside and it was already furnished. Apparently the guy who is managing the clothing line I'm modeling for told Aeropostale to rent me an apartment and furnish it. "Well, I could get used to this." I said, then checked the time and decided to find my restroom so I could shower. I had to meet with the people for the Cameron Dallas clothing line at 2 and it was already 12. So I took a quick shower and put on whatever was at the top of the first suitcase I could find (the outfit is in the picture up top). I put my hair in loose curls and ran out the door, grabbing my purse, keys and phone on the way out. It was a 30 minute drive to the set where we would be shooting sometime this week. I drove up to the gate and told the guard my name. He gave me a pass and let me in. I found a parking spot reserved for me and parked. Wow, I must be special. Haha just kidding, I'm nothing compared to the other girls I've modeled with and the thousands I haven't. I walked around and finally someone gave me directions where to go. When I found the set it was 1:50 so I decided to watch the shoot going on. Some guy modeling for the CD clothes line, like me. Hey, this guy is really cute. Wait, is he taking his shirt off? Dear lord why are you doing this to me. He is H-O-T hot, and his abs are to die for. Why is he so... Wait is he looking at me? He's smirking? Oh great, he caught me eyeing him. Just what I needed, another annoying hot guy trying to chase after me. Not trying to sound cocky or anything, but all this type of guy wants is to get in a girls bed, nothing more. I was so lost in thought that I didn't notice when Hottie McGee came up to me and introduced himself. "I'm sorry, I didn't hear what you were saying, could you say it again?" I asked kindly. He smiled a genuine smile and repeated himself, " I'm Cameron Dallas, and this is my clothes line. You must be the new model, Elisabeth right?" He seems pretty nice, maybe I was wrong about him. "Um actually my name is Elisabetta. But it's nice to meet you Cameron Dallas." I stuck out my hand for him to shake and shook it firmly, just like my Papa taught me. "Wow, that's a firm handshake you got there. Did you find the apartment to your liking?" He questioned. So it was him who arranged it all. How nice. "Yes it's perfect. I really do like it. You have good decorating skills." I praised him without meaning to. Great now he probably thinks I'm sucking up to him. He looked down at me and smiled a real genuine heartbreaking smile. I could really get used to his smile. i guess I was off in La La land again. "I'm sorry, can you repeat what you said Mr. Dallas?" He looked surprised, I wonder if I said something wrong. Great, there goes the first good job I had. "Please Lis, call me Cameron. How about I show you around the set and then we can go get some lunch?" Now it was my turn to look surprised. Was he asking me out? No way, it's just lunch. Wait I have to answer him! "Yeah sure that would be great Cameron." He stuck out his hand for me to grab and pulled me all around the set, showing me all the works. And then, it was time for lunch ...

Cliffhanger. Well not much of one but hey it's just the first chapter. There will be more :) I hope you read and enjoy this. It may not seem interesting Joe but I promise it will get better! Just keep reading! Bye :D

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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