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"Where is it?"
It's not dad...his voice was never that deep.

"It's not here now get out!" my mommy said.

I watch, hidden but I have no idea of what they're talking about .

"Since you are of no use to me anymore, I'll just kill you ", the man said, and I freeze when I notice him taking out a knife from his pocket.

"RUN!", my daddy yells to my mum while he fights with the man, each struggling to overpower the other.

But then the man stabs daddy in the heart.

My mommy, obviously mad, ran towards the man and tried to fight him too.

But the man slapped her and then began stabbing her, she is now colored red.

When he turns, to inspect my dad,  mommy mouthes to me "I love you".

I've never felt more alone.
He turns, and I catch a glimpse of his face.
I'll never forget those eyes.

I choke back my tears, and I keep quiet so I don't end up like my parents.

He leaves quietly, politely closing the door on his way out.

I walk slowly to my parents, begging God they'll be okay but reality is cruel.

I wake up panting, sweating slightly

Crying, I curse myself for having that same nightmare again.

So I'm basically changing everything 😘 lol

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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