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"You don't like the food here?" Yunho asked as he saw Nara was twirling the pasta but she hasn't taken any bite of it. Her face looked like something was bugging on her mind. Yunho was worried if she didn't like this place or the pasta didn't seem appetizing to her.

"Uh, I like the food here" she took a bite of her pesto pasta. Honestly, it was not because of the food but Park Seonghwa has been bugging her mind. She hates to admit that she felt annoyed about the girl who was clinging onto his arm. Does every girl do the same to him? Does he allow them to cling with him? Those questions have been playing on her mind.

"Your hair" Yunho tucked Nara's hair that was falling while she took a bite of her pasta. "You almost get pesto on it" he chuckled. Nara stopped chewing. It reminded her of when Seonghwa did the same at the coffee shop. The difference was she didn't feel anything right now. Is it because I'm used to Yunho doing it to me all the time? She asked herself.

"Is it normal?" she suddenly asked Yunho.

"Huh? What do you mean by normal?" Yunho was confused with her question.

"The thing that you did just now? Is it normal for a guy to do it to a girl?"

"Huh?" Yunho was suddenly flustered. His face blushed. Why did she ask me this question?

"Do you always do it to other girls too?" she asked while looking at him. Yunho wished the earth to swallow him at that time. Nara never asks him this kind of question before and he didn't know what to respond right now.

"" he scratched the back of his neck. "because I never once eat alone with other girls besides you" he felt like he was confessing right now.

"Then, do you think it's a normal thing to do? I mean, let say if you eat with other girls beside me"

"I'm not sure. I think you ask the wrong person, Nara. Maybe you should ask Wooyoung or San" he shrugged and continue eating his pasta. I only do it to you because I only have eyes for you, Kim Nara. Yunho thought to himself. He wished he could say it out loud. "Anyway, why did you ask?" he's curious as to why Nara was so adamant to know the answer.

"Nothing. I'm just curious" she answered. She bet Yunho will think she likes Seonghwa if she tells him the truth. She had enough of Yeji teasing her last time.

Yunho and Nara took a walk near the Han River with their favourite banana milk. It was so calming and Nara was enjoying the cold night breeze. She will always take a brief walk whenever her head was full of worries. They took a seat on the bench that was facing the river.

"You have something on your mind, don't you?" Yunho asked. Nara always comes here whenever something was bugging her head.

"Not really. I'm just a bit tired from the long class today. I want to take some fresh air, that's it"

Yunho looked at her. He knew she was hiding something from him. Her face tells everything. She was sighing a while ago. It was not loud but enough for Yunho to notice. He wanted to know what's been worrying her but he didn't want to force her to tells him. He knew Nara will tell him one day but he can't sit well seeing her like this.

He still remembered when he saw Nara was crying alone behind the school gym. It was the day after he learned about Nara's family and her parent's divorce. He wanted to comfort her but they were not close at that time. It will be weird if he does so. Instead, he just sat down nearby, where Nara can't see him and waited until she let it all out. Yunho swore that he wants to make her smile and be the source of her happiness. That's when he started to approach her and they became friends afterwards. He knew Nara rarely tells people about her problem. He didn't know Nara ran out of her house and lived by herself until he found it out from her chauffer that she no longer live in the house. Now that I think about it, Nara is quite close to her chauffeur. She treats him as if he's her blood-related brother. She must tell him everything. Should I ask him? Wait, no. That will be obvious that I like her. Yunho shook the thought of asking him.

"You know" Yunho started speaking. "If you have anything that worries you, you can always tell me. I'm always here" Yunho grinned widely. "Stop trying to solve it by yourself"

Nara chuckled. "Thanks, Yunho," she said. Nara turned to look at him. "Stop wasting your time worrying about me. I'm not a little kid"

"Oh really? Then, I hope you won't sit in the corner of the room and cry because you look ugly when you are crying" he wheezed, trying to lift the gloomy mood.

"You!" Nara narrowed her eyes. "You saw me crying before?"

"Honestly, Nara, I did. It was during middle school. You were crying behind our school gym. I was on my way to take some gym stuff when I heard someone sniffling" he said. "It was by accident, okay. I didn't stalk you" he defended himself.

"That was so embarrassing" Nara palmed her face. "If you ever tell anyone, even Yeji, I'm going to kick your butt" she warned him.

Yunho laughed. "If you treat me nicely, I will consider it". He smirked while pretending to rub his chin.

"Ughh! I hate you"

"I know you don't" Yunho cupped his face, making a cute expression while staring at Nara.

"Gross!" Nara pushed his forehead. "It's not going to work on me" she stuck out her tongue before she laughed. Her heart feels light a bit. As expected, Yunho knows how to make her laugh and never fails to do so. Yunho laughed too. He was relieved that he sees her laughing again. Even if she wouldn't tell him what worries her, at least he managed to make her smile again.

Nara plopped down onto her soft and comfy bed after she'd done showering. She buried her face in her pillow. Her body was so tired from today's activity. She needs to open the café tomorrow morning so it means she needs to wake up early in the morning. She rolled her body, facing the peach coloured ceiling of her room. Nara was about to tuck herself to sleep when her phone was ringing. She looked at the caller id and it was an unknown number. She raised her eyebrow, wondering who was calling her late at night.

"Hello?" she answered the call.

"Um, hello Nara. It's me, Seonghwa" Nara sat up straight upon hearing his name. His voice was deep and husky in her ear, sending chills up her spine.

"Oh, hi Seonghwa" Nara tried to stay calm.

"Are you sleeping?" Seonghwa asked, afraid that he's interrupting her good sleep.

"No, I'm not," she said as she was adjusting her position on the bed, leaning against the headboard as if they're going to have a long night call. "Well, honestly I'm about to sleep"

"Sorry for interrupting" he apologized

"That's fine. Why did you call anyway?"

"Umm, I just want to ask if I can come to the café tomorrow? Are you working tomorrow?" Seonghwa was nervous as he asked the question. He was hoping she was there.

"Yup I am! You can come anytime you want. We close at 7 pm" she said brightly.

"Cool! I'll stop by the café tomorrow" Seonghwa smiled through the phone as he heard the answer. "Just text me the address later"

"Okay, I will". Then both of them turn to silence. Nara doesn't know what to reply next. It never crosses her mind that he will call her at this hour. It feels strange but somehow she likes it. His voice, although it is deep and husky, surprisingly she feels a bit calm afterwards.

"I guess you need to wake up early tomorrow so I can't hold you for too long" Seonghwa broke the silence. "I'll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Nara"

"Oh okay, goodnight" she reluctantly said. Deep inside she didn't want to end the call. She felt a bit disappointed when he hung up the call. Her face frowned. "Hold up! Am I feeling sad when he hung up the call? Kim Nara are you serious?!" she just came to a realization. Nara shook her head and threw her phone aside, burying her face in the pillow. She groaned and kicking the duvet. "Kim Nara, stop being ridiculous and sleep. He called you because he wants to know if you are working tomorrow and that's also because you told him you want to treat him a coffee. That's it, nothing more. Now sleep!" she mumbled to herself. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to hypnotize herself to sleep.

Only You // Park SeonghwaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz