The crash

14 2 0

"I remember it clear as day. I was in the car ," said Creg in a low, quiet voice.

"He's not normally this quiet." Joseph said impatiently " c'mon tell these " a pause " Men what happened."

"Its alright ,"  a man in a black suite with a police badge said whilst waving his hand across his face like there was a fly there. 

Another pause.

"You can continue, " said the man kindly " if you want that is ." It seemed like he wanted to hug the boy or maybe give him a shoulder to cry on or maybe a pat on the head, his face said it all.

He didn't want to interview a kid who's mother died.

Only a week ago .

The boy nodded his head signalling that he wants to.

"We were at the movies " Craig said in a shaky voice "we went to see the new batman movie," a tear starts to appear 

The man calmly reaches in to his pocket and bring out a handkerchief and gives it to Crag

Joseph is in the background of all of this pacing back and forth impatiently with a concerned look on his face like he just got asked if he drank the last irnbru* and is now on a hunt to figure out who drank the last irnbru.

" Spit it out wee man we don't have all day " Joseph said

" it was raining or something that night " continued Creg "and My mum"

"Suisun " said Joseph under his breath

" right," The man stood up and turned to face joseph " if you have nothing to say apart from telling him to hurry up I strongly suggest you leave. " The man said with a growing intensity in his voice

Joseph looked shocked

" It's okie, he can stay ." Creg said

Joseph looked proud of his son

for one of the last times

"My mum thought it would be cool if she went through a massive puddle ." He continued "I guess she was trying to impress me" a pause " or something "

Creg still has the handkerchief in his hands and from time to time he would place it up to his face to wipe a tear a away.

"so she said watch this " He said in a shaky voice " and decided to go faster a-and we were getting closer to the pudle and she kept smileing even though I could sence the danger and we were getting closer and faster and closer and then we hit the puddle " a pause , everyone in the tiny room of a 13 year old was concentrated on the boy " then we swerved left to right ,left , right , left right left then on to the cirb and over the p-pavement and in to a "

a pause

" w-we went right in to the tree."

" And then what happened to your mother Creg " joseph said in a slow way

"s-she died"

"Yes , and "

"Whilst looking at me, there was b-blood trickling down her face because of the g-glass shards "

  "Ok Creg I'm going to speak with your father now"

He goes to leave the room but looks back at Creg

" you can keep the handkerchief if you want "

"T-Thanks " said Creg with a fake smile.

*irnbru is a traditional Scottish drink 

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