July Day

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A nice July day, hot but not nice. I woke up in my bed,as usual I don't want to wake up but this time I was already in my clothes!!!! I didn't know what happend, but then I realised the school trip is tomorrow and we are getting new students today!That's why I was already dressed!!!!!I always want new students cause my classmates at disgusting So I stood up I ate,brushed my teeth and made my hair. Now it was time to go I was in the car as I saw a boy probably the same age as me. He smiled so I smiled back, but then I arrived at the school. The boy I have seen, entered the school, I was confused because u have never seen him. As I walked into the school I saw a pile of people all surrounding a person I could not see but then I pushed my way into the pile, I could not believe my eyes. It was the boy I have seen on his bike!!!!! And then I realised who he was. He was THE Josh Monuver's son!!!! Josh menouver is a really famous singer, I was a big Fan. I couldn't believe that his son would come to a shitty school like this! I guess he did. Of course two minutes later all the girls were surrounding him, and he obviously 🙄 enjoyed it. Anyway the rest of my day went by pretty fast. I came home and I remembered that he actually lives in France. What was he doing in America??? I had many questions and thought I need lots of answers,but one answer solved it all. I came into my house and saw HIM!!! I asked my parents what was going on they replied:" Oh, he's our Exchange student,didn't you know?"Of course I didn't know!!!! So I went to say hi :" Hi.. wait what's ur name?"
I was a bit rude but he nicely replied:" Hi, my names Leo,and your Julie I'm guessing?"
„That's me." I replied I went to get food he came too. But he creeped me out a little cause he was staring at me. I just went in my bedroom. And texted my BFF what happend. Then my mom came in and said I have to show him our town, Hilldale. So I showed him around. „So this is the Park, where most people spend their free time. And this is towny's  diner."I said. He replied:" It's nice here." „ Oh,and that's Melissa you probably know her from school." I said as Melissa approached. She bit her lip and smiled at Leo. „ you wanna come hang out with me and some school friends?" she said. Obviously it was the popular friend group: Jenny, a mean girl,
Lexie,another mean girl and Melissa the leader of the mean girls. There's also some boys: John Jenny's boyfriend, Tom I have no idea why he is in the popular friend group. Anyway enough about them. We were on our way home, but it suddenly started to rain. It was raining so hard we went to the closest place,witch was a Restaurant. Since we were there, we decided to eat something. But he had that look on his face as if it was a date, but it wasn't! By the time the rain stopped we finished eating so we went home. We both went to sleep, but in the middle of the night I heard something, so I decided to stand up and check what it was. I saw a man trying to grab me but I could only see a bit cause I was in a bag! I saw him putting a cloth on my nose and I fell asleep. The next morning I found myself in a room I have never seen before, but Leo was there too. I asked what was going on, but he didn't reply he was staring at a man as if he wanted to kill him. I understood what was going on it was the guy who Kidnapped us! We were tied to a metal bar and we only had a tiny blanket.When I woke up I saw some hard bread and slightly brown water. I was thirsty, but I didn't know why the water was brown so I didn't drink it. While the Kidnapper was somewhere else I saw a knife, I could reach it cause I was tied to a bar but I could push it with my foot. I took it and cut the rope. I helped Leo too. But now it was harder to escape. I saw a door as. As I tried to get to the door without the Kidnapper noticing, he saw me.
I took the knife and threw it towards him. It hit him in the leg and he couldn't walk. I tried to open the door but it was locked Leo had the key though so we managed to escape. We ran home but a car came. Leo grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side of the road. We both fell on the ground, he was fine but I hit my head and was dizzy. I passed out, so he took me home. When my mom saw me she flipped out calling 911. Some time later I woke up Leo was standing next to me „ Are you ok? Julie please answer!" he said „What happend?" I asked
He explained everything.
We went on a walk and stopped at a bridge „ Julie I-I like you. More that friends..." he said. I didn't know what to say I just looked at him with a little smile on my face „ Do you feel the same?" he asked. „ I-I..." before i could even answer, our lips touched, and he kissed me. For the rest of the walk we didn't talk.
The next morning his dad called. He said that he had found him a girlfriend, „ BUT DAD I LIKE SOMEONE ELSE!!" Leo yelled at the phone „ But the press needs to see you with a famous girl!"
His dad answerd.
„ Well who is that girl?"Leo Asked. „ Her name is Melissa, Melissa Woodbook." his das answers. When I heard that I realised that Melissa is a model. So he would probably date her not a Nobody like me.

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