How I overcame my stage fear

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( I don't own the picture )

A/N : This is my experience, I can't guarantee if it will work for you but I hope it will help you😊

So it was 4th of February 2020, and I had to deliver a speech in my school for the freedom of Kashmir (if you don't know what Kashmir is or what is happening there here are some links )

As I was on the way to the school I was thinking about the Kashmiris and their children who can't even go to school properly, and then something clicked me, even though the teacher had given me the speech to memorize and perform, I made up my mind and changed the speech into what I really wanted to say for the Kashmiris. I changed the words and moulded them my way.

( Time Skips)

It was my time to perform as my name got called I went on the stage, my heart was throbbing, and I was beginning to sweat. I held the mic tightly in my hand and looked towards the audience, it was the worst feeling, more then six hundred pair of eyes were staring at me. I closed my eyes, took God's name and opened my eyes again, and that's when something came to me, it was the picture of the dead bodies, the crying mothers, the blood, and the glimmer of hope in the eyes of all Kashmiris as if they were looking forward to me to say something for them, it was as if I was the one who could make a difference for all the hopeful souls. The feeling was intense and I knew what I had to do.

I had to drop my fears and frights for them, I had to say a single word if I can, even if it didn't make any difference at least I would have the satisfaction that I did something for them.

And then as I started to speak, it was as if I was under some kind of 'I don't care' spell or something, I was literally staring right back at the hundreds of eyes without any hesitation, it was different and so not like me.

As I climbed down from the stage I realized what I just did, I finally over came my fear!!!!!!

Cause you're bigger, you're badder, you're better than that

You know you're stronger and harder and smarter than that

So, when you're haunted or daunted stay calm as a cat

What are you afraid of? You're bigger than that - Lance Tangled the series(What... just givin' references 'k 😛)

*Actual advice*

1) Believe in yourself.

2) Be yourself. Do what you feel is right.

3) Speak from your heart.

4) Stand for what you believe is right . (Off course after proving yourself correct)

And then let the magic happen.💗

So my whole point of writing this was to point out two things:

1) You can over come your fear when you make up your mind to do something, if you'll make up your mind then your fear will become the least important thing at the moment to panic about.

2) To raise awareness of the Kashmir issue, as it is unfair what ever they are going through.

That's all for this time,



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