Why does it hurt

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Keith had not stormed off but walked away with his head bowed slightly with his jacket half on his arm and a water bottle, he didn't know Allura would ever lash out and why then...

Keith felt as if he shouldn't be surprised because his blood is completely and utterly a mistake...but why did his Pa never tell him this, did he know...maybe he didn't...maybe it's because, he didn't want me to think he wasn't crazy when he wasn't?

No no not to think of this now he thought, what about Allura. Why is she so mad....Keith then said to himself.

Keith murmured,"Stupid me, of course she lashed out... because of me..."

Keith sat crunched in his bed for w while until there was a knock on the door.

Keith quietly,"Who is it?"

Shiro said,"It's me Shiro, are you...alright?"

Keith responded,"I'm fine..."

Shiro said,"I know....I know when your lying.."

Keith rolled his eyes and responded,"Hey look I'm fine, you know...I'm always fine Shiro..."

Shiro with his dad voice,"Keith, if you won't talk to me now...please come to dinner and talked to me later."

Keith agreed,"...yeah.."

He heard Shiro's footsteps disappear, and he gone back into his little hunch to think. He was thinking to why it hurt because he didn't care.

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