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I walk down the hallway of my school, passing several lockers. My old sneakers grip the cold tile.

84... 85... 86...

Ah. Locker number 87.

I grin and I put in my combination. I finally made enough money today at my horrible job for a new phone, and maybe some school supplies. I quit after I made the money. I am never going back...

I search my backpack for my wallet and I safely tuck it in the locker. After school, I think, is when I'll go to the store.

I hear a giggle and I whip my head around, my long brown hair swinging.

"Oh, hi. Didn't see ya there."

"What are you doing here, Janelle?" I demand, reaching slowly inside my locker to get my wallet back.

The blonde rolls her eyes and does a motion with her hands. A tall, big brown haired girl with a ponytail cracks her knuckles behind her. I swallow.

"Well," she says. Her icy blue eyes pierce my lame green ones. "I want a new phone after school so... Hand over the wallet, sis."

I shout, "No!" and I dive my hand inside the locker frantically for my money.

I hear Janelle do the same and the other bully tackles me. She punches the door and it hits my arm with a powerful bam.

"HELP!" I scream. The girl looks at me and mumbles, "Fucking coward" and kicks me. She grabs Janelle's arm and pulls her away before any teacher could save me.

I sit in complete utter shock. My arm hurts and my ribs ache.

Janelle is rich enough to hire people to beat up others for money. And, since I'm poor, I'm one of her favorite victims.

My vision becomes blurry from tears.

I stand up and I grab my sweater inside my locker. I touch the spot where my wallet was and it's gone.

$400 down the drain, I think.

I'm always bullied. Maybe it's because I have no friends. Maybe it's because my mom killed my dad. Maybe it's because I was put into adoption. Who knows?

I sigh. I can be tough at school. If you're found crying you're an automatic target; it means you're weak. I wipe my eyes and continue my morning.


"Hello, Mrs. Grenn. Good afternoon, Mr. Grenn." I say as I walk through the front door of my house.

"Sarah." They say simultaneously. They say it like it's translated to "Hello to you too" or just "hi". They're watching TV.

I force a smile and I run into the kitchen, getting a snack, and I dash upstairs. My body shakes- I can't control myself. I don't want this to happen again.

I lock the door and I fall to my knees, whimpering and facing the ceiling.

"W-wh-why..." I whisper. I'm not being dramatic. I can't control myself. That's why I'm hated. I need to calm down. I need to calm do-

Before I know it I'm clutching scissors.

"Put those back!" I hiss at myself. My arm trembles as I open and close the blades, shk shk shk.

My eyes sting. My insides are boiling. My body wants to be hurt! "NO IT DOESN'T!"

I'm talking to myself again! So stupid...

I take a deep breath and I cut a piece of skin on my stomach- just a nip. I sigh happily. I enjoy it. It's weird and disturbing but it's not like anyone cares enough about me to stop me.

"I care about you..." I say. My words shake like my bones.


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