Chapter 2: Sooo... I'm weirder than I thought, yay!

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The glow dimmed and I got a clear sight of the thing that Fotia was holding. A long metallic shaft with a winding snake was held in her hands. At the end was a bronze blade with fangs on the inner edge. At the far side of the blade, that could cleanly chop my head off, flames sparked out. The clear sharp edge showed the reflection of Fotia. Her school uniform had changed vanished and was replaced with warrior gear.

She now wore a golden bronze chest plate over a Jet-black dress, ending at the top of her knees. On top, her Ginger locks a flame made tiara lay resting there, ever so tilted to the right. Where her slick black shoes once were, a pair of black kicking boots now fitted. I was thoroughly confused and slightly more scared of my best friend.

I watched them, stunned, as Flames took a swipe with the Scythe and it grazed the beast's skin. As more fur dropped to the ground, her face looked like she had done 12 rounds with the lord of the sky.

Each swipe she took, the end of the blade the glow grew weaker. The serpent, that wrapped around the stem, looked like it was smiling. Its fangs gleaming when before, it was unseen. The sight made the weapon look alive, and it was enjoying the fight.

Slash after slash, she went, though however much she tried the wolf-like creature swiped back. It's luscious white claws, glinting in the sunlight that past through the narrow gap above, was about to kill us and I was standing there just staring. I decided I had enough of not standing up for myself, with teachers, bullies and even creatures out of this world. I was about to be brave or stupid. Or both!

I saw a large bin that was probably the source of the stink in the area, or the things acid drawl. I climbed on top and began to psyche myself up for the idiotic thing I was about todo. Fotia looked back to see where I was and looked up,

"What are you doing up there?!"

I looked straight forward at the beast, I leapt. Everything slowed down. A sensation of strength came from within. I jumped higher than I had ever done before. I caught my appearance in the glass of the flat window, that's 50 ft above the ground. The blood-red stain of hair on my head was now shining with power. The red light lit up the area, brighter than anything I had ever seen.

As I began to fall, the light level dropped slightly, and I felt the surge of strength through my very being. As I fell, the water seemed to flow through my hand and into the shape of a double edge blade. The sword started to solidify and colour seeped through. The hilt had a metallic red dragon head, its body created the hilt. The crossguard was represented with wings that had blazing white claws at the end. Its tail wrapped around the blade to the end where it moulded into the blade.

Time seemed to speed up and I was falling rapidly. Not know what else to do, as I fell, I used to the momentum and sliced the beast in two. In the place of gushing blood, it exploded into a small gas where floated a bottle filled with the drawl of my defeated foe.

When I landed in a crouch position, I didn't get up. I was processing the past 12 seconds of my life. Fotia, behind me, grasped the vile of acidic liquid and handed over to me so casually. I tried to get up but, of course, I fainted from exhaustion. The last sense I had was me falling into Flames arms and her calling out my name in an unheard-of sense of caring.

Moments later, I woke up in my bed. I've never known parents, so I live alone with the substantial spending money I get from a guardian, I've never seen. The whistle of my stove kettle went off, and I heard someone pour water into a plastic container. Fotia walked in as I was getting out of bed to stand up. I struggled to my feet, with my legs feeling like they've run 100 marathons. Then she just pushed me back down onto the bed. Great, I'm held captive in my room.

She forced my head down to my pillow and placed a hot-water-bottle on my forehead. My room was pretty bland, to be honest. I had my bed, a desk, a chair, a laptop and a calendar with things marked down. I saw the calendar and I began a solemn, yet silent, prayer. I hoped that Fotia would not see that calendar.

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