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[Y/n's P o v]------I was rudely awoken by the loud buzzing of my alarm

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[Y/n's P o v]
I was rudely awoken by the loud buzzing of my alarm.
I yelled as i slammed my fist down on the Snooze button . I watched As it shattered and the Buzzing Faded away.
A smirk crawled up my lips.
I Rolled out of Bed still wrapped up in my Blanket Cocoon.
I fell off onto my Face.

I slowly helped myself up and Dusted The Imaginary dirt off of me.
I grabbed my phone off the charger and Checked the time.
Oh shit i didint realize i took 10 Minutes to get up i have to be ready by 7:10am!!
I ran to the bathroom and Washed my face and brushed my teeth.
I decided to do a quick makeup look consisting of Mascara,Highlighter,Lip gloss, and blush.
I did my daily routine while Screaming the Lyrics to Bts.
Well i tried atleast im Actually from America So i dont speak Korean really i can only understand it but im Learning. I moved to Daegu 3 Years ago.
Lets just say Korean is One hell of a language to learn..

Anyways once i finished my makeup I Picked out my uniform which is a Silk white Button up with a plaid Red skirt and Black Thigh highs.
I Went and curled my Hair As it fell just above my shoulders.

I put my uniform on and slid on my Vans. i grabbed my glasses from my dresser and slid them on Pushing them up with my index finger. I took a quick glance at myself from there mirror one last time.
I ran into the living room and Grabbed my bookbag.
Powering off my phone and Sliding it into the front pocket Trying my best to hide it.
I Made myself a quick Coffee and chugged it. Leaving the Faint scent of Caffeine on my breath.
I grabbed a piece of Mint gum from my Packet of gum in my Bookbag. It helps my Anxiety and what not.
I put my mug in the Sink and turned the water on Rinsing it before turning off the water.

I slid on my Warm black Sweater since its FREEZING outside and Ran upstairs to Wake up my mom so she can Take me to school.

We got in the car and in a Minimum of 4-5 Minutes i arrived at the entrance of the school.
I Arrived to school at 7:15am im not considered late until 7:30 something.
"Love you Mom!"
I yelled as i climbed out the car with one strap of my bookbag on my shoulder.

While walking i was struggling to put the other Strap on.
Gaining weird Glances from people.

Atlast i arrived to the inside of the school.
Right beside my locker stood Joshua My best friend since Middle school!
"Hey Y/n! What took you so long?"
Joshua greeted me.
"Well.. I smashed my alarm and fell off my bed."
I explained.
"BHAGAGAHA Nice one (y/n)!"
Joshua Said Trying to maintain his Laughs.
I exclaimed as I put the Stuff i wont need in my locker right next to Joshua.
"JoJo lets Go!"
I beamed at him.
Trying to hide how anxious i actual was.
We Laced our Arms together like a Married Couple. I dont know why but it conforts me.

I only see JoJo as a Older brother.
Yes he may be Charming and Really attractive- Wait what am i thinking??

"We're heree!"
Joshua Said Excitement In his voice.
I gave him a small Smile in return.
He saw how anxious i was.
"Hey its gonna be Okay Y/N if anyone messes with you i will beat their Ass! Ok?"
I giggled as he smiled at me.
He ruffled my hair.
I let go of his arm and fixed my hair.
He walked in and me following behind him.
My gaze was focused on my fiddling hands so I wasn't looking where i was going..
I Ran into a Broad Chest i could Almost immediately tell it wasnt Joshua because i Have memorized his Scent.
This scent is... Diffrent.
"YAH! Watch it."
He said Sending me a Glare.
I felt my cheeks Turn Hot.
He sent me a emotionless Look before walking off.
Leaving me a blushing mess on the Floor.
"Aish whats his problem anyways.."
I mumbled as i pouted.
I helped myself off and dusted the VISIBLE dirt off my uniform.
I bowed at the teacher.
"Im so sorry im Late Mr. chim!"
"No worries Just Introduce yourself Please."
"Hi im L/n Y/N..I hope we can all be friends! please take care of me.."
I said Timidly as i bowed.
"That was Great Miss L/n please sit besides Yoongi."
"Yoongi raise your hand."
The same Guy from earlier Raised his Veiny Hand.
I made my way over to the back and sat next to him Setting my Stuff down.
"Hi Yoongi was it?"
I asked.
"Tch can you hush and Yes its Min yoongi."
He replied Coldly.

"Ok class so Today we will be having A Project you will need a partner."
Mr.chin started.
"Your job is to Make a Music piece with your partner. There are different Generes i will pick your Genres."
"Im picking your Partners Aswell."
Mr. Chin said.
"Jenny with Joshua."
"Cherry with Taehyung."
" Jackson with Jimin."
"James with jiyeon."
"Rosé with Jax"
"Chunga with Lucas."
"Abigal and Sun-O"
"Jojo with So-Yung."
"And Finally Y/n with Yoongi."
Me and Yoongi Yelled at the same time.
Word count:981 words.
Uh i was actually really proud of this..
Dont judge me i used names from a K-Drama i watched and the rest i just made up LMAO.

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