Squalo's Assistant

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"VOIII! What the hell do you want?!" yelled Squalo as he kicked down the bar room's door open. He ducked quickly on instinct when he sensed a flying object coming to his head's direction.


The Captain looked back and saw a shattered empty glass bottle. His eye twitched.

"Thrash, we're going to destroy the Estraneo," grumbled Xanxus to Squalo.

"What?! Aren't they already destroyed-," Squalo paused before he widened his eyes and yelled in surprise, "Don't tell me they experimented on themselves to become some kind of zombie!"

Xanxus raised a brow. "Oi, thrash, have you been watching stupid movie?"

Squalo frowned as he recalled back what Caesar had told him earlier...

-'Be careful. Zombies does exist. Anything can happen,' muttered the masked brunette with mischievous tone.-

The shark Captain shook his head as if ridding the brunette's word from his mind. He closed his eyes with annoyed expression and asked, "So? When is it?"

Xanxus cocked his head backwards as he stared up at the ceiling. "Tonight."

The long haired male clicked his tongue in annoyance. "That early?" he grumbled to himself. 'I guess I'll deal with Caesar's recruitment paper later.' He sighed in irritation and turned around to leave the room.

"Thrash," said Xanxus, stopping Squalo who didn't bother to turn around. "That assistant of yours is dead."

Squalo twitched his eye as he could guessed who the killer was. He then grinned sharply at a sudden idea. He guessed he should thank his boss for getting rid of his squadron leader assistant. A perfect empty spot for his new recruited Caesar. Of course he only thanked mentally.


The moment Belphegor turned to face the source of suffocating, strong aura he was met with the familiar sight of corridor. The aura disappeared as he breathe out a sigh of relief. He would never want to encounter anyone with such aura.

...but still, he was sure he felt the aura. Shaking his head to rid the thought off his mind, he mumbled softly to himself in relief tone, "Must be my imagination."

"What must be your imagination?"

Belphegor spun his head quickly, not noticing someone was behind him. Inwardly, he cursed his carelessness. He stared at Mammon who was floating in the air.

Mammon was the leader of Varia's mist squadron and also Belohegor's favorite person second to Squalo. Though Mammon had a physical body of an infant, the infant shouldn't be underestimated. No one knows the infant'a gender because of the getup Mammon wore which was a cloak and a hood with only half of the face could be seen. It was believed that Mammon was a female to public's eyes but the Varia knew Mammon was a 'he'.

Belphegor shook his head in denial. He placed his arms behind his head and asked, "What is Mammon doing here?"

"You'll have to pay for my answer," said the cloaked infant as he held his hand out in expectant for money.

Belphegor turned around, not wanting to pay the greedy infant. As he walked with Mammon beside him, he decided to answer the infant's earlier question in compensate of not giving the infant money, "I sensed someone but when I got close, like really close, I turned to this corridor and saw no one and the presence was gone." To his two favorite people, he'll tell them anything that he won't tell anyone else. He trusted both.

"I don't think it's your imagination," commented Mammon as he halted which made the Varia Storm squadron leader halted too. "I also sensed it. It was barely, but the aura was strong. I've never felt that aura before." Inwardly, Mammon added, 'Its stronger than anyone I've encountered.'

Belphegor tensed. He felt nervous and insecure. Sweats began to formed again. Gulping a bile of saliva, he ran his shaky fingers ran his blonde locks.

Mammon noticed his mistake of accidentally scaring Belphegor and it made him felt guilty. Belphegor was the closest person he had in his life who never judge him and his greedy nature.

"VOIII! Caesar! Where are you?!" a loud shout was heard.

Mammon and Belohegor looked at each other before they went to the direction of the voice to see what was the commotion. They arrived in another section of the mansion which belonged to Squalo's territory.

Squalo looked at both Mammon and Belphegor. He speed walk to them and asked, "Have you seen Caesar? A shady guy like Mammon but not small but still small."

Mammon ignored the rude insult and shrugged. "Didn't see anyone shady."

The blonde male asked, "Ushishishi, who is Caesar?"

"Replacement for my dead assistant," answered Squalo, his anger of his clear in voice. "That shitty boss!"

"I bet he won't last long~," commented Belphegor. "About a week!"

The infant asked to Belphegor, "How much?"

The blonde male walked away, regretting saying 'bet'. He had forgotten that 'bet' was taboo word when around Mammon.

Mammon pouted. "Muu~ I almost got money!" He turned to face Squalo only to see no one. Under the hood, his eye twitched. Even if Belphegor was the closest person, the blonde was never one to spend money for Mammon on useless thing. After all a prince never waste his money for such thing; he guessed was the blonde's excuse.


Caesar had sensed someone and had hid his presence as he settled on the chandelier. He saw a blonde who he soon knew as Belphegor and then a weird infant, Mammon. Not too long the familiar yell was heard. Secretly, he followed the two weirdos to Squalo's voice by jumping silently from chandelier to chandelier. After silently watching them, he jumped down from the chandelier when Belphegor had left. Before Mammon could notice him, he dragged Squalo away with his hand covering the man's mouth.

To cut it short, he was spying on them and had kidnapped Squalo away.

"VOIII! Where the hell were you?!" asked Squalo angrily.

They were both in a random room. There were weapons from the China and Japanese carefully placed in many glass displays. Truthfully the brunette was amazed of the beautiful collection.

"Listen to me!" growled Squalo while he glared at the brunette who was looking around and clearly not paying attention. With a sigh of exasperation, he said, "Anyway, tonight we're going to eliminate a syndicate organization that deals with human experiment tonight. You are to follow me and my orders."

Caesar nodded. "Yes, Captain~."

"You'll be wearing the Varia uniform so that we'll know that your a comrade," informed Squalo. He took out a badge from his pocket and gave it to the brunette.

The brunette held the badge that gleamed under the light. He liked the design and the color. Just under the Varia logo was wording of-[Varia Rain Leader Assistant].

"Keep that. It'll prove that your my assistant," said Squalo. "Lose it and your dead."


Author Note: I'd like to thank you to my dear loving readers for the support. I actually made this for my own entertainment as a passing time. I really do love to type stories, especially typing short series on my iPod. At first, I doubted myself to even have a reader that would enjoy this story. I had typed this part months ago but my iPod had been... Well, my iPod fell into deep slumber. Unfortunately, I've lost interest in Tsunayoshi Sawada. But! I will continue this story (just that the update will be slow, really slow)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2014 ⏰

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