Chapter 1- The Prank

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In those following seconds, Kirishima could only gawk as those words on his tv silently mocked him. With a sigh, he peered down at his phone to discover his whole Sunday gaming with Bakubro. Really, when had it gotten so late?

For a second, Kirishima hesitantly took in his surroundings, hardly surprising himself when he stumbled on empty energy drinks and chaos. He couldn't- for the life of him- remember eating these MANY snacks; so why did the entire dorm look like a landfill??

He was pulled out of his thoughts with a loud, resounding voice:




That now marked his 48th defeat that day; or should he say weekend? They hadn't stopped playing for the past fourteen hours, so Kirishima couldn't quite tell. Regardless, he eventually turned his gaze on Bakugou, who currently tried masking his triumph with a bored glare.

"Jeez shitty-hair, that wasn't even that challenging!", grumbled Bakugou, flinging his controller at the floor in one of his adorable tantrums.

Wait, adorable...? No, no- maybe the author was just confused! Kirishima would never be so perverted as to-

"HEY, SHIT-FOR-BRAINS?! Are you even listening to me??" Kirishima only blinked, his mind finally rebooting back to reality.

"Bakubro, it's 2:00 a.m. and all I'm running on is potato chips and RedBull- this 'victory' doesn't count!" As salty and unmanly as that remark may have been, Kirishima wasn't about to give up so easily. Seeing Bakugou's smug smirk 47 other times was punishment enough.

And with that, he stood up and started collecting his stuff off the ground, failing to notice the confused glare Bakugou sent him.

"When the fuck did you get a bedtime hair-for-brains?"

Kirishima yanked an empty bag of potato chips from under the swivel chair, "I can't miss class in the morning! What if I miss out on crucial hero training?? That WOULDN'T be manly." He said matter-of-factly while hurling the bag into the trash.

"Tch, whatever... See you tomorrow, I guess..." Kirishima swore he heard sadness in the other's voice, but he must have misheard him.

"Yeah, man, see ya tomorrow!", He said with one of his signature grins before-


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