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Natsu's POV

I woke up to Luce hugging me tightly. Her hair was sprawled out around her, while her face was pressed into my chest. I lightly combed through her hair while the sun slowly rose. She began to stir not long after I woke up. Her chocolate brown orbs flickered to life as her gaze peered at me. She smiled brightly and scooted up so that we were face to face, "Hi." Her bright smile could light up the darkest cavern.

"Hi, beautiful." I continued to play with her hair as her soft lips reached mine. She hummed, our lips still connected.

"Want food?" She smirked already knowing my answer. I sprang out of bed and picked her up, laughing. I set her down in the kitchen and stood behind her as she cooked. I had my arms wrapped around her waist with my nose in her neck, slightly swaying. Suddenly a loud chorus of thudding sounded at the front door. I whined as I let go of Lucy who giggled to herself at my childish remark. When I opened the door Ice Princess looked out of breath,


"Guild.....Problem...Come.....Now...." Popsicle managed to spit out. My eyes grew wide, I turned to see Lucy's were the same. In seconds the stove was turned off and Lucy grabbed her keys and her guns. We ran as fast as we could to the guild, sweating beading down my forehead. I could see the worried look on Lucy's face.

When we were just feet from the guild I smelt smoke, so I picked up my pace and Lucy follow suit. We rushed through the doors to find Sting and Rouge causing chaos in the guildhall.

Lucy's POV

First, Sting tries to kill Natsu and now he and his dumbass brother want to destroy our guildhall. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THEM!!!!!

I pulled out my Golden Guns and aimed for Stings back as Natsu began his attack on Rouge. I was able to knock Sting out for a couple of hours while we restrained Rouge in the basement. The attack was short and not very damaging but it was still our guildhall so the measures taken didn't seem overboard for us.

Rouge continued struggling relentlessly, which confused me because if you k ew that people were going to constantly watching you wouldn't you just sit still. "Erza."

"Yes?" Erza turned to me after talking with Master.

"Somethings not right. Rouge won't stop move it nor has he paid any attention to us. He's just staring off into space while struggling. Something doesn't seem right"

"Lucy does have a point." She turned to Master who nodded in response. Erza went over to Wendy who was healing some others. I looked for Natsu who was helping Mira clean up the broken glass. I quietly joined in, being deep in thought. I felt someone touch my shoulder and I immediately knew it was Natsu, so I let myself fall into him. He caught me gently and wore a very questioned look, "Something isn't right."

"What do you mean?"

"Rouge doesn't look right to me. I think we should go to Sabertooth and see what's up."

"Are you sure?"

"Okay, then we will go. Happy!! Let's go!"

"Aye Sir!!"

Hi.Hey.Hello. Today is my birthday!!! I thought I would update cause I wrote a lot on the plane to DC. I'm in the middle of editing other things. See ya next time!!

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