WBC x reader just a bruise

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You were another Killer T cell following the blond bimbo when while you were talking to the guys you heard the blond yelling.

"Do y'all hear that?"

Your fist were starting to curl that blond has a Habit of yelling at someone who doesn't need to be yelled at.

"Y/n, Doll its probably nothing"

"Im gonna check"

"He'll do something stupid though!"

"Now why would he do anything like that? Im going to check and your gonna stay here until the blond gets you!"

You had a truly terrifying glare that could make a grown cell cower before you. In unison they all got on their knees shaking.

"Yes Ma'am!"


You toss them a pack of cards.

"Play a game do Something"

They all huddled around and ironically started playing cards.
You turn the corner only to see a scowl on the blond's face.

"What did you do blondie"


You slap the back of his head

"OW! Y/n c'mon!"

"If i find someone back here hurt im gonna beat your ass so hard your gonna be back in the marrow in minutes!"

He gulped. The other guys were watching around the corner. Everyone knew you both fight alot but also got along like brother and sister which is why you were with them for rounds today.

"The guys are waiting im gonna stay here awhile..."

You grab his arm and look him in the eye

"I hope you weren't too hard on this one...."

You whispered. He looks down before straightening up.

"See ya later blondie?"

He smiles as you punch his arm

"Ya see ya later y/n"

And with that you make your way to the open balcony expecting a simple cell but find a white blood cell instead more specifically U-1146 a wbc you are familiar with. Meeting many times before of course.

He was on the ground back facing you with a hand on his cheek. You get closer to him and find that he is shaking a bit. Odd. You place a hand on his shoulder and crouch next to him.

"U-1146? You alright?"

He rushed to wipe his eyes. You move and sit infront of him when he didnt look up you forced him to and boy were you surprised. Tears streaming down his face, cheek bruised from a punch, and humiliated to be seen like this infront of you.

"He did this didnt he?"

He laughs

"H-ha yup it was him..."

"Your crying."

"I know"

"You Never cry"

"I-i know..."

You moves to pull a black handkerchief from your pocket and start wiping off his teary face like and macrophage helping a young red cell. She smiles at him

"Y/n? What?"

"Just appreciating how handsome you are."

His cheeks turn red. Other than the bruise of course. He turns away. Tears still seem to settle in his eyes.

"I got punched for realizing everyones purpose"

"URGH sounds just like him to go off on anyone for this its just 'we are supposed to be emotionless killers' or...or 'we shouldn't care about what we kill' nothing useful!"

"Haha! You sound worse that me y/n! And you....you found me...crying..."

He trailed off trying to wipe the last of the tears of with the handkerchief while looking out at all the red cells running. You get closer and hook your arm around his.

"Hey U-1146?"

"Ya y/n?"

"Do you think anyone likes me?''

"Well ya everyone likes you-"

"No i mean like love me stupid"

"I do"

You turn to him quickly grabbing his shoulders looking him in the eyes.


You grab his face and kiss him. He grabs you and deepens the kiss. After a few moments we pull away. You place your forehead on his smiling.

"I Love You U-1146"

"I-i... i love you too"

cells at work x reader oneshots discontinued Where stories live. Discover now