Chapter 2: Beginning Chaos

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Kade woke up the next morning, looking around his empty room, still covered in boxes. He lay there for a while, staring up at the ceiling, considering if he should really apologies to those people he had yelled at yesterday. He doesn't even know who they are, and it's not like they will see each other ever again. He finally rolled out of bed, getting caught on the bed sheets and falling to his knees. "Ugh!" Kade cried. "What?" Amelia asked from down the hall. "Nothing! Leave me alone! Never talk to me again!" Kade called back.
Kade grabbed the Audi keys and got in the car, driving around the neighborhood looking for the neighborhood for the kids that he had yelled at. He slightly expected that he wouldn't find them and that he could give up after an hour of pointless driving. But as he got in the car and left the mansion, he noticed the two blonde twins getting in their car, which was parked in the driveway of the house right next to the mansion. Kade pulled over and blocked their car as they were pulling out of their driveway. The girl twin hopped out of the car. "What the-" She started. "I don't care. You're getting in my car." Kade said. "No we aren't, what if you're trying to kill us?" She asked. "I'm forcing you to do something worse. Have a conversation with me. Get in." Kade said. The two rolled their eyes and got in, the girl in the front and the boy in the back.
Willow Creek had a population of 10,000 people. With a population so small, there's already low expectations of what would be available in town. But to Kade's surprise, there was more than he expected. As they drove down the main road of town, Kade looked at the stores that he was passing by. There was a mental hospital and a general hospital, there was a walmart the was attached to a subway, and there were other chain food restaurants like Mcdonalds and Taco Bell. "This town has everything for the nobody that live here." Kade said. The boy squinted his eyes at Kade. "Your grammar deeply hurts me." He said. Kade glared at him through the rearview mirror. "Wow! That's like the first thing that you said to me! I was concerned that you weren't able to talk." Kade said. "I don't know you, so I don't want to talk to you." He said. "Ok, then let's get to know each other. What's your name?" Kade asked. "Danny." He said. "I'm Dawn." The girl said. "Yah, I wasn't asking you yet I didn't actually care." Kade said. Dawn let her jaw drop and looked out the window. "I'm kidding!" Kade cried. "What are the names of the other two." Kade asked. "Jasmine and Brendon." Danny said. "Are you all the same age or something? How did you're parent's end up with two sets of twins?" Kade asked. "Jasmine and Brendon were born in 2003, we were born the following year." Dawn said. "Ugh. I feel bad for your parents, and having two sets of twins. I would never want kids." Kade replied. "Bold move to assume that someone would actually like you enough to want to have kids with you." Dawn said. Kade glared at her. "Pay attention to the road, idiot." She said. Kade turned his head back to the road. "Where am I going?" Kade asked. "You could take us home. That's a thought." Dawn said. "Not worth my time. I'm still trying to apologies to you two, and I'm already this far into town. I needed to run to Walmart. Is that where you were going?" Kade asked. Dawn continued to look out the window. "Yes." Dawn said. "Perfect." Kade muttered under his breath, getting in the farthest right-hand lane.
Amelia sat on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket watching TV. She then heard a knock at the door. Amelia sighed, and got up. She wasn't expecting any company. "If you're a mormon missionary I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. We don't need your disease coming into this household." Amelia said. Amelia opened the door, seeing a taller, slightly chubby guy standing at the door. "Hi, I'm Brendon. So I can't find my younger siblings, and I was wondering if you're brother kidnapped them." Brendon said. "My brother?" Amelia asked. "The one with the oversized white sweater." Brendon said. "Oh, right. Kade." Amelia said. "No. That's not my brother. No one here is. We're all just a group of friends who decided to move into this house together." Amelia said. "That's. Fun." Brendon said. Amelia laughed. "Well, I guess if you haven't seen them, I'll be going." Brendon said. Amelia walked outside the door. "Um, hey." She started. "If you want to exchange numbers, I could give you a call if I see Kade or you're siblings anytime soon." Amelia said. "Oh, alright." Brendon said, pulling out his phone and showing Amelia his phone number as Amelia put his number into her contacts, and Amelia did the same for him.
Kade walked down the aisles of Walmart in the technology center with the blonde twins. "You people are so boring!" Kade loudly cried, getting the attention of a few bystanders at the Iphone section. "You didn't have to come inside, or shop with us. You could have either sat in the car and waited for us or you can go get the stuff that you need to get." Dawn said. "I'm not waiting in the car for you and I'm not shopping alone like a single mom." Kade said. "Well, you did kidnap us so I'm not really in the mood for shopping with you." Dawn said. "Is there a reason why we're here?" Kade asked. Dawn looked over at Danny, and then leaned in closer to Kade. "Danny's birthday is tomorrow." Dawn said. "He's just really quiet. So even though I've lived with him for the last 18 years and he's my brother and all, I still don't know him that well." Dawn said. "So you brought him to a Walmart to find out what he likes." Kade said. "Don't judge me, I ran out of time!" Dawn said. "I'm gonna go to the hardware section." Kade said. Dawn followed from behind him. "Why?" She asked. "I need to build a door for my bedroom. I don't have one." Kade said. "You built a multi-million dollar house and you forgot about a door for your room?" Dawn asked. "Along with other things. Like a pool that was built into the ground." Kade said, looking through the displayed doors. "But what do I do about Danny?" Dawn asked. "I could befriend him, learn some information about him, and help you plan this birthday stuff." Kade said. "That's not gonna work." Dawn said. "Why not?" Kade asked. "Because his birthday is tomorrow and he hates you." Dawn said. "I'll find somebody else then." Kade said. "What about your birthday? If you two are twins then isn't tomorrow your birthday too?" Kade said. "No. He was born a day earlier, near the middle of the night. Then I was born a couple minutes into the next day. So we celebrate them on one day. Mine." Dawn said. Kade looked at her. "My parents are messed up." Dawn said, sighing. "Anyway. Thank you for helping me with this birthday stuff. Do you think that you could help me plan a party?" Dawn asked. "Sure." Kade said. "We could throw it at the mansion so that Danny wouldn't know." Kade said. "Alright. Sounds like a plan." Dawn said.
Danny had spent most of the time wandering around the store with Dawn, who closely watched what he looked at while Kade pushed a cart around with his new door and the extra supplies needed to install it. "Anything you like?" Dawn asked, as they made their way through the movie section. "No. We can watch most of these with Prime." Danny said. They used the self checkout, and made their way to the exit as the alarms began to sound off. A worker walked up to the three. "Let me see your receipt." She said. She snagged the receipt, looking at the piece of paper and back at the cart. "Which one of you stole the Fifty Shades of Gray disc?" She asked. Kade laughed. "Excuse me? We didn't steal anything, and we wouldn't have stolen that." Kade said. "Tell it to our store manager, come on." She said, whistling for the three to follow her. "You're kidding." Kade cried. "Am not. Walk you're ass upstairs or I'm dragging you up there with me." She yelled. "Listen, Lady. This is a walmart. Everything here is about five bucks, right? And honestly, this store is so cheap and trashy that it literally isn't worth anyone's time to go through the process of stealing something." Kade said. Danny and Dawn stood there, spectating this conversation, in shock at what Kade was saying back to her. "Get. Upstairs. Now." She said. "Just do it, Kade." Danny said, irritated with Kade's fighting.
Bradon sat at the left computer, coding the latest functions for the AI device that he had secretly been working on. Amelia was sitting in the chair for the right computer, looking through the memes on Instagram while binge-watching "The Umbrella Academy" on Netflix. Bradon took a break, sitting back in his chair. That's when he received a call from an unknown caller. Bradon answered the call. "Hello?" Bradon said, getting Amelia's attention. "This is Bradon." Bradon replied. "One second." Bradon said, worried. "Kade and two of the neighbors are at the city's correction center." Bradon said. "What?" Amelia asked. Bradon put the phone on speaker. They listened to the conversation between an officer and the three, or mostly Kade. "I want my phone call!" Kade cried. "We already have someone calling a family member for you." The officer said. "I want to do it myself!" Kade cried back. "Son, we believe you are not stable enough, mentally, to handle a phone call right now." The officer said. "Please let us go. We didn't steal the movie." Dawn said. "We don't know that yet." The officer responded. "This is a five dollar movie we're talking about and you won't let us go? We can give you the five dollars that we didn't take if it's that big of a deal!" Dawn said. "You aren't down here because of the movie, you're here because this one keeps throwing a tantrum!" The officer said. He must have been pointing to Kade, because he began to go off again. "We don't have the fuckin' movie! You've searched us already! The last places it could be is up our ass's!" Kade cried "Check them." The officer said. The three began screaming. Bradon cut the conversation off and spoke to the caller. "Do we need to come pick them up?" Bradon asked. "That would be appreciated." The caller said. "Alright." Bradon said, hanging up. "Get the other neighbors." Bradon said to Amelia, getting out of his seat and heading to the car.
Amelia and the other two twins came running through their front yard and up to the Audi Bradon was driving, and headed down to the correctional center where the three were being held. "Why are they getting arrested?" Jasmine asked. "They think Kade stole a porn disc." Amelia said, trying to keep herself from laughing. Jasmine sat back in her seat, concerned for herself for getting in the car with these people who she didn't know. There wasn't much else said after that, which Amelia was annoyed with. This was a great chance to talk to Brendon, where she could make small talk with him over the fact that three people who they knew were being arrested and now they had to go on a 'mission to save them'. But Amelia got her hopes up, and there was nothing else said for the trip to the correctional center other than the few times where someone in the car would ask Bradon to change the station.
As Bradon quickly drove into the parking lot, going out of his way to park in 2 spots, the four ran inside to pick up the others. They were led to a room at the end of the hall on the West Wing, where they looked through a single sided window to see Kade crying in the chair, chained to a table, and the other two sat there with their faces covered. "I just want to be loved. You're making me feel really self conscious about myself." Kade said to the officer. "For the ninth time, trying to make us feel guilty over you're interrogation will not set you free or allow you to 'skip a question.'" The officer said, organizing a stack of paper. "Can you explain why we couldn't find the Fifty Shades Of Gray dics anywhere on or in you're body, even though you had set off the alarm." She said. "I feel like you're employees here who had stripped me down to find the porn disc constitutes as rape." Kade said. "I don't want your opinions at this point, Kade, now answer the questions!" She cried. Amelia ran into the room. "Hey, we're here for bail." She said. "There is no bail yet, let alone a sentencing. There's not enough information in order to have them sentenced." The officer said. "How about we give you as much money as you want." Amelia bribed. The officer looked Amelia up and down, judging her outfit that showed a little too much skin, compared to the officers full body outfit. "How about we wait for crime to be finalized and then when there's a bail, you can pay then. I'm sure you can wait to hand over that money you're making in despicable ways some later time today. However, I'm not so sure about tonight." The officer said. Amelia gasped. "How dare you! You're the skank!" Amelia said. "You wanna join these three?" She asked, pointing to the ones who were chained up. "No thanks." Amelia said under her breath, leaving the room and quietly shutting the door. "I hate her she's so fake." Amelia said when she came back to the others who had come to post bail. "Hey!" Kade cried. "I found this bar code sticker crumpled up on my shoe." Kade said, handing over the sticker. "This is the barcode for the disc. Looks like the sticker had gotten stuck to your shoe. You two in the back are free to go, however, this one with the attitude needs to stay for a minute." She said. The other officers in the room who had been standing along the wall let the twins go, while Kade stayed behind. "The Walmart branch of this town is not happy with your attitude with our correctional facility or the Walmart staffing. Thereby, you have been banned from the Willow Creek branch." The officer said. "I've been blessed. Praise Jesus. Can I go now?" Kade said. The officer groaned, letting him go. "By Felicia." Kade said, leaving the room and reuniting with the others. "It's rough in there." Kade said, as everyone began to set off for the cars. "It wouldn't be as rough if you just did as they asked, or maybe if you hadn't stepped on that sticker to begin with." Danny said. "I'm sorry! It was an accident." Kade said. Danny ignored his apology, and ran up ahead to the others. "I'm sorry about that." Kade said to Dawn. "It's fine. It must have happened when we were walking through the movie section." Dawn said. "Not just that, but I was supposed to help you get to know Danny by hanging out with him, or whatever. But I'm sure now he hates me and will refuse to let me get to know him." Kade said. "It's fine, I'll just get a bunch of candy or something small like I do every year. Don't worry about it." Dawn said with a smile, but Kade could easily tell that the smile was fake. "I do live with seven other people, five of which he hasn't met yet, so if you want me to get someone else to befriend him, I'm sure someone else would like to help." Kade said. "Alright," Dawn said. "Let me know who can help." She added.
Later that night Dawn sat in her room and waited for a text from Kade. Instead, she received a text from an unknown sender. This is Bradon, one of Kade's friends. I can help you plan Danny's birthday party. Dawn put his number into her contacts and replied back. Thank u! I have no idea what to do. I have no presents or theme ideas or even a cake. There was a pause in their conversation, where the bubbles in the text appeared on the screen, and finally disappeared. Then there were more texts from other unknown senders. She received texts from Bentley, Joseph, Tyler, and eventually texts from all the other people living in the house next door. They were all willing to help her out. She then felt less stressed about the birthday. For the first time, Danny would actually have a birthday.

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