• A L I E N •

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This can be girl x boy or girl x girl

You were a scientist, a scientist that worked for the government conducting experiments and studying rare creatures. In fact, you were the head scientist. There was one special creature you were studying that you've grown quite attached to, and vise versa. You nor the other scientists had any ideas on what she could be, only that she was extraterrestrial. And, luckily, she could somewhat comprehend your language. You decided to name her Petite. She just couldn't speak it, of course. You've learned over the course of studying here that she's very curious about everything. She was also a bit of a trouble-maker, always hanging from the ceiling of her room to hide or being purposely stubborn when the other scientists are doing experiments on her (nothing harmful). Though with you, she's more cooperative. She absolutely adored being around you. And you adored being around her, even with a bit of a language barrier.
Your assistant didn't approve of your close relationship with the alien, believing it was wrong to love or even befriend an extraterrestrial. They would only say a few things about it, but nothing more, not wanting to be fired by you.
It was early one morning, and you were heading to Petite's room to give her her breakfast. She didn't seem to eat most human foods, though she did quite enjoy raw meat and yogurt. Upon entering her room, which was quite spacious, some of your equipment that you used for your experiments sitting on a desk in a corner, you didn't see the pale alien anywhere.

Continue from here.

( The Alien ⬇️ Her Name is Petite )

( The Alien ⬇️ Her Name is Petite )

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