Chapter 1

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First of all, I have to say that this is my very first fanfiction and it's dedicated to my Dirty Fanfic Buddy aka. Lash Lee Hudson Bach :)

Ginas POV:

Fuck. My head felt like it was as big as a bass drum. And it hurt. Seriously, I shouldn't have stolen the bottle of vodka yesterday. I just hope my parents won't notice it...

Wasted, how I was, I glared at my alarm clock to look how late it is. Holy shit, it's already 3 p.m.! How the hell could I sleep that long man!

I slowly got up and the first thing I did was get some pain killers. Argh, what have I just done! After I swallowed down the pain killers with a glass of water, I realized that I was still in my clothes from yesterday. Man, what happened yesterday? I have no clue, all I know is that I drank a fucking whole bottle of Vodka! Somehow I managed to take a fresh shower and put on some clothes, and I went downstairs to get some food. While I was eating my cereals, the phone began to ring suddenly.

It was Lisa, like always.

"Gina! Why the hell didn't you answer my phone calls?? I already tried like 7 times today!"

I answeres still tiredly: "Oh my god, Lisa... Keep calm dude! I just woke up with a hangover, man, my head feels like it's as big as a bass drum! And now tell me, what's the matter?"

"I just wanted to ask you when you arrive at Nuremberg tomorrow, because I'll pick you up at the train station" she replied

Wait... WAIT, Nuremberg? Me? TOMORROW? WHAT the hell is going on?? I glanced at the calendar to make out todays date. Fuck, it's the 4th of June, tomorrow is the Rock Festival! Holy shit, I completely forgot!

"Uhm, I think I'll be there at 8.00 a.m., I'll take the first train tomorrow, and I'm sorry I have to say bye now because I completely forgot to pack my stuff." I told her.

Lisa was just there like "Whaaat? You didn't even pack your stuff? U FORGOT?? Man, you must have a great hangover if you forgot that! But whatever, I'll call you later again, in two hours or sth like that, ok?" and shut down.

I quickly finished my breakfast, which was complety softened now. Ew. After that, I run upstairs and collected my clothes and stuff which I wanted to take with me for the festival.

Lisas POV:

Oh my god, that girl and her motherfucking Vodka drive me crazy... I mean, Whisky is way better than Vodka! Especially Jack Daniels. I love Jack! I mean, nothing is better than Whisky. Except for dirty sex. Dirty sex is better than anything else.

I was a little bit hungry, so I went into the kitchen to search for some food. Man, why isn't there anything? Seems like I have to call the pizza service again...

After I called the pizza service, I felt like something is wrong. I went upstairs to my room and realized, that Sebastian was asleep on the floor. Oh. I completely forgot that my guy best friend is here at a unexpected sleepover! Well, how could I not, I mean it's already after 3.00 pm and he is still asleep! Man, why do guys always sleep that fucking long?? He's totally same like Jake, my long distance fuck buddy, ugh. By the way, Jake is a bassist ;)

I roughly pulled off his blankets and screamed "SEB! TIME TO WAKE UP YOU SLEEPYHEAD!"

He just let out a groan and turned around with his face hidden in the pillow.

No. Not with me! I went to the bathroom and picked a tooth brush glass, which I filled with ice cold water. Mehehe, now you have to get up you sleepy bastard! I went back into my room with an evil grin across my face.

Sebs POV:

"What the fuck?!"

Ew. I felt something cold and wet on my head. Did Lisa just... ew, no. That fucking crazy ass girl seriously just spilled out a glass of ice cold water on my head! Right over my hair! How could she dare to ruin my hair!


I just let out a groan and slowly got up. After I searched for my clothes and got dressed, I went to the bathroom to fix my hair.

That girl man, she's the daughter of the beast I swear! I still wonder how she became my best friend...

Just as I managed somehow to get my hair fixed, I heard Lisa scream downstairs.

"Seb! Get yo ass downstairs, I ordered pizza!"

Pizza? Did I just hear pizza? Whoa, I have to admit that she can be very nice!

I ran downstairs and grabbed a piece of pizza from her hands, which she just wanted to take off a bite.

I love pizza, especially for breakfast!

Lisas POV:

"Eh you bastard! Don't steal my pizza!"

I tried to grab the slice back from Seb, but he already ate the whole piece in one bite! Ugh, guys... but when it's about his hair, he acts worse than every girl I ever met! What a diva. What a greedy diva!

I just glared at him and got another pizza slice.

After we finished the pizza, looked at him and asked curiously:

"So, now tell me, Seb. Why are you in Nuremberg?"

He just said: "Why should I not? Am I not allowed to be here or what, huh?"

"Man, it's not ordinary that you come here from L.A. without telling me before!"

"Well, I just forgot to tell you that I'm in town for a few days, that's all."

I said: "Fine. If you don't want to let me know, fine. I just wanted you to know that I could have got you a ticket for the festival, if you told me, but now it's sold out and you have to be alone here for the next three days. Not even my parents are at home, so have fun!"

"Hehe, you think that I'll not be there. I will be there, I promise!" he replied.

What? What does he mean? I'm confused... whatever, I decided to stop the discussion and went to the telephone to give Gina a call.

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