Chapter eleven: can't keep going!

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The sum was beginning to set. We had to hurry! We couldn't be seen by anyone, if we were we would be dead meat!

" huff puff keep going just a little further" huffed Miku.

" I'm trying! It's hard to keep running like this!" I puffed.

" I know, but we can't afford to stop!" Huffed star.

"Ok!" I barked.

We carried on running up the steep, muddy hills. It was tough and our paws kept sliding back down. It was true we couldn't stop we would be caught then killed!

We finally made it to the other side of the mountain. There was a vast thick forest, a deep layer of snow covered the forest.

" there! We can rest there!" Our scent will be weaker here!" Howled star.

" ok" I replied.

We found a safe place to sleep in the forest. Morning soon came and we still hadn't been found. Maybe they were to lazy to come over the mountains? No. Zeddan would stop at nothing to kill us! He would be on is like twenty pound weight! There is no escaping him!

We had to go search for a new pack or other loners to start a pack with. We couldn't just wonder around like this, we would be an easy kill for zeddan!

We,quickly set off looking for other wolfs or a new pack around here. We knew this would take a long time to do and we didn't have a long time to wait around. We had to find others as soon as we could!

We looked around the forest but there was no sign or scent of other wolfs around here!

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