A sad place

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I should be sorry,
As I look down on you with eyes of crimson
Wet hair, drinking the nervousness from the air
Condensing it to bitter drops on my tongue.
I speak laced in silver
"I can't be sorry,
The pain I cause you, I cause myself."
You stare back,
your burned hands
wrapped around pale eyes
Bandages wilting to tears.

I clutch my head.
He's coming back again.
He's going to kill him.
He's going to kill him this time.
My heart weeps
In tainted lines
For itself

I balled the lace, so tightly between my fingers.
It condensed into chains.
And like the brush of forgotten sun,
I welcomed them to my frozen skin.
The security it brought.
Bound in winter lines
along frail departure.

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