chapter 1: the wedding.

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(a/n: hey y'all!!! ik you all liked my other KiriBaku fanfic, 'Thanks To You' and i'm honestly v surprised ab the amount of support! so thank you sm!! this is ANOTHER kiribaku fanfic and a BOOK 2 to the 'Thanks To You' book. again thank you for your support here are some points to remember from the previous book:
- bakugou is deaf but has hearing aids.
- kiri and bakugou are older , bakugou is 21 and kiri is 20.
- bakugou and kiri are both pro hero's , bakugou being the no. 1 hero.
- the last book ended with bakugou proposing to kiri. (location of proposal: park)
anyway, ty for reading and please enjoy!)

"Kirishima, will you marry me?"

Kirishima stood silent and felt tears fall from his eyes.
'My best friend,' he thought.
'asked me to marry him.
to spend the rest of my life with him.'
'the person who i love the most.'

"Yes!" he said.
He looked down at Bakugou who was still smiling on one knee but was sweating and had an extremely worried look in his eye.
"Bakugou?" Kirishima asked.
Bakugou blinked and turned on his hearing aids.
"Sorry I turned them off when I asked. I was worried you'd say no." he laughed nervously.
"You did say yes right?" he said more seriously.

Kirishima laughed and kissed him.
"Does that answer your question?"
By standers in the park cheered and clapped.

It was shown on the new later that night.
'Some good news tonight, the Number One Hero, Ground Zero has proposed to his partner in crime, Red Riot.'

Bakugou and Kirishima laughed at the news report and talked about plans for the wedding.
They received multiple phone calls from friends and family to congratulate them both.

"I KNEW IT I FUCKING KNEW IT!" Mina yelled through the phone.
"Congratulations to you both." Tokoyami said.
"Ah! I am so happy for you guys!!" Ochaco said.

"Bakugou, this person wants to talk to you."
Kirishima said holding the phone.
"Who is it?"
"Uraraka." Kirishima smiles.
Bakugou grabbed the phone.
"Hello, Uraraka."
Bakugou burst out laughing.
Midoriya laughed on the other end.
"You are still calling me that?"
"I haven't heard from you in such a long time!" Bakugou said.
"Same, I've been watching you on TV man, you look great!"
"Thanks Deku, I've seen you on TV too, but I didn't know your voice got so deep!"
Laughter is shared on both ends and they talk for a couple more minutes.
"I am invited to the wedding right?" Midoriya asked.
"We'll see." Bakugou joked.
"Okay, well, I'll talk to you later then. Katsuki."
"Yeah, same here. Izuku."
The call ends.

Bakugou turns and looks at Kirishima.
"Do you think we should do red and white for the wedding?" he asked. "Or look at this coral, I kind of like it." Kirishima showed a picture on his phone. "Or maybe even yellow-" Kirishima was cut off by a kiss.

"How about we sleep on it tonight. And talk more about it in the morning?" Bakugou asked.

Kirishima smiled.


Months pass.
Hours and hours were spent planning.
Finally, in late March, when the cherry blossoms were in full bloom. The two held the wedding.
Kirishima, wearing a white suit and a yellow tie, helped tie his soon-to-be husband's red tie.
"You look great." Bakugou said.
Kirishima smiled. "Thank you, Bakugou."
Kirishima looked at him with tears eyes.
"Thank you for choosing me."

Their hand close the space between them.
"Promise me," Bakugou brought Kirishima's hand to his lips and kissed it. "you will never leave me."

"I promise."

The couple walks out of the dressing room to greet everyone who is attending.
Classmates from their years in U.A who are now heros, greet and congratulate them.

"Half n Half." Bakugou smiles as he hit Todoroki's hand and grips it.
"For someone who's deaf, you're a pretty loud guy." Todoroki joked.
Bakugou laughs and the two talk.
Bakugou feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns to see a baby with curly brown hair and big green eyes. His eyes dart to the right to see the man who is holding the baby.
"NO WAY!" Bakugou shouts.
Midoriya laughs. Uraraka walls up to Midoriya and takes the baby. "Congratulations, Bakugou." she smiled.
"I didn't think you had it in you man." Bakugou jokes.
"I didn't either." Todoroki joins.
The three men laugh and continue talking until it was time for the wedding to start.

The wedding was held in the park where Bakugou proposed.
Surrounded by cherry blossoms and their gentle petals. Kirishima stood infront of the crowd waiting for his husband to meet him.

"I Can't Help Falling In Love" begins to play on the speakers. Midoriya's son and Kaminari's daughter, spread yellow and red petals on the walk way to the low stage Kirishima stands on. The crowd stands.
Bakugou walks with his mother with linked arms until he reaches the end of the trail of petals.

Bakugou and Kirishima look into each other's eyes.

"Kirishima," Bakugou looks doen and began.
"For as long as I am on this earth, I will always be by your side. I will never abandon you or the things we have built. When you need me, I will hear you. When you want me, I will hear you. I will come running."
He pauses and wipes his tears.
"Today I give myself to you in marriage. And I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard. These things I give you today,"
he looks up to meet Kirishima's crimson eyes.
"and all the days of our life.
I love you, Eijiro Kirishima."

"Bakugou, will you take Kirishima to be your lawfully, wedded husband?"
"I do."
"Kirishima, do you promise to love, honor and cherish him throughout your lives?"
"I do.
"Bakugou, do you promise to respect, comfort and keep her, in sickness and in health?"
"I do.
"And you do, Kirishima, promise to share your joys and sorrows, and forsaking all others, to be faithful to her alone?"
"I do."

"You may kiss the groom."

Cheers and shouts echoed.
But Kirishima and Bakugou were stuck in their own moment.
For a second, it was just them. Together in their own world.

Love is real
and they both found it.


okay so hope y'all liked this chapter !
i LOVE LOVE weddings so much and they make me super emotional :,)
but hope y'all liked this chapter !
here is a hint for the next chapter :
if they had a child
do you think they'd adopt a boy or girl ??
comment what ya think !!
thank you for reading !!

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