Chapter Two

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    I came home from Alyssa's house, feeling exhausted. I loved Alyssa, but it was difficult to keep up with her energy.

   I was ready to go straight to bed. As soon as I climbed into my comfy bed and pulled the covers up to my chest, I drifted off immediately.


   I found myself in an empty hallway. The walls were stark white and the floors managed to be brighter. My eyes began to ache from the harsh, white light. At the end of the hall, there was a tall, white door with a golden handle. I started to walk towards the door, but the closer I moved toward the door, the more my eyes began to burn.

   When I was near the end of the hall, my eyes stung so much that I started to cry. My tears burned against my cheeks, causing more unbearable pain. Placing my hand against the handle, my ears began to ring and all I could see was white. 


   I woke with a start. I noticed that my eyes were itching slightly. Well that explains the eye dream, I thought. 

    I threw off my blankets and started to get ready for my day. I have a set routine and I go a little insane if it isn't followed: brush my hair, get dressed, eat breakfast, brush my teeth, practice magic, and some light reading. 

    After I finished two pages of my book on magical archetypes, I decided to go for a walk. My eyes were bothering me, so I thought that some fresh air might soothe them. 

    As soon as I opened the door, a burst of sunlight streamed into the room. I winced as my eyes ached from the sensitivity to the light, but I continued to walk out into the Town Square.

    I walked to the weeping willow tree where my friends and I had met. I often found them underneath it. We all loved the shade it provided. Scarlett would write stories, Eleanor would watch and feed the birds, Alyssa would practice singing, and I would study my magic books. 

    Today, Scarlett and Alyssa were there. Eleanor would rarely come here during the day where she'd have to walk through the crowds of people. 

    I was relieved when I walked under the tree. The shade was soothing to my eyes. They still itched profusely, but the ache ceased when I walked into the shade.

    "Hey, Holly," Scarlett said, not looking up from her parchment. 

    I didn't take it personally. I knew how invested Scarlett was in her stories.

    "Hi, Holly!" Alyssa squealed. "Come! I need some advice on this piece for my vocal training."

     I smiled gently. "I'd be happy to help."

     I listened to Alyssa sing, blissfully. Alyssa's voice was gorgeous and powerful. I'd often feel pricks of envy that I sounded like a dying unicorn when I sang.

    When Alyssa finished her song, she smiled. "So... pros? Cons? What do you think?"

    "I don't know much about singing," I admitted. "But I think you sounded sensational!"

    Alyssa put her hand over her heart. "Aw, thank you!"

    Alyssa embrace me. When we finished, Alyssa looked at my eyes. "Whoa... are your eyes okay?"

    My heart began to race. "Why? What's wrong with them?"

    Scarlett came over to take a look at them. "They just look irritated. Allergies maybe?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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