Untitled Part 17

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P: I thought you two broke up

Ca: we did but we got back together do you not look at my Instagram anymore

P: not really

C: Oof

P: who wants to go to the beach 

Ca&C: meee

C: Peyt can you give us a few minutes

P: yeah

C: Caleb can I tell you something?

Ca: yeah sure what's up?

C: I just feel that if I ever lost you I would be the saddest person not only would I lose one of the most important people I would also lose my best friends aka you and Peyton you two mean the world to me if I ever lost you I would have no idea what to do because you two are the only people who accept me for me and you two are the only people that care about me I just feel that if I lost you my life would have no purpose I Love You Caleb Coffee

Ca: I Love You too Cierra

P:awwwwwwwwww cute

Ca & C: HEY!

P: sorry :(

C: its fine let's all go get ready 

Cierra wore this

Peyton wore the same thing

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Peyton wore the same thing


go to the website to see what Caleb wore

                                               At the beach

Caleb: Cierra I have a question

Cierra: Yeah

Caleb: what would you do if I kissed you

Cierra:  I don't really kno-

You got cut off by Caleb kissing you it turned into a full out make-out session your tounges were fighting for dominance, of course, you let Caleb win





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