2. A False Sentence Passed

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My strength faded easily enough, and I fell asleep still on the males leg. I'm not sure what's worse, sleep riddled with nightmares, or a dreamless sleep. The latter is what I experienced. And when I woke up, I felt worse than before I slept.

I woke up with a raging headache, my whole body hurt from being tense in pain for hours on end. The hole in my gut burned badly, I felt hot and my skin was slicked with cold sweat.

Opening my damp eyes I was met with the soldiers gaze raking my body with concern.

I glanced at Yunho. He was staring at nothing.  I  closed my eyes again. If I was gonna die, fever was not how I wanted to go.

Though, in my situation, I didnt really have a choice.

Thick liquid suddenly pooled my throat and mouth, and I doubled over, rolling onto my stomach as I coughed and choked red blood from my throat. Fuck my throat hurt so much, and when I finally breathed again a painful ringing resonated in my skull.

I felt a hand running up and down my back, but it was less comforting and more edging on another cough. More blood was expelled from my lungs until I lost the strength to cough any more.

I vaguely heard the sound of iron against iron, like a door was being opened. My body was suddenly lifted onto a shoulder, not the soldiers shoulder either. I didn't fight it, couldn't if I wanted to.

Footsteps surrounded me like the ringing in my head, as I was carried upstairs and out of the dungeons.

When we entered the throne room, I was roughly dropped on the ground by the stairs leading to the throne. I groaned in pain as my eyes vageuly adjusted to the sunlight pooling into the room.

The soldier was roughly forced to his knees beside me, as was Yunho. After a brief coughing fit on my behalf, I was pulled up to my knees as well and held in place.

Silence deafened me as heavy footsteps slowly echoed closer, until a pair of gold embroidered slippers came into my vision.

"Jung Wooyoung..." the king said slowly. The sound of my name bounced off the walls. I felt shivers attack my nerves. I didn't dare look up at the king.

"Jung Wooyoung, Jung Wooyoung.... now where have I heard that name before...." the king mused to himself.

"AHAH!" I flinched, cowering at his voice. "Jung Wooyoung! The young disciple of Jung Woojin! You were banished for acting out against him, if I'm not mistaken. Ahhhh, Jung Woojin was such a character wasn't he!"

Fear enveloped me as memories of my father tore into me. His alcohilic breath, the bloodstained whip... I clenched my teeth. He hadn't banished me, I had run away.

"I'm disappointed that you're still alive Jung Wooyoung.... I'm sure your father would feel the same." The soldier beside me shifted. He couldn't understand what was being said, and his discomfort in not knowing was showing.

"But! I'm sure he will relish in knowing my grand plans for you my boy!"

"The hell do you want!" Yunho spoke out, glaring at him.

"Quiet you! You have no place here, I should have you executed right here and now! You should be kissing my God damn feet for the mercy I've shown you."

Yunho held his breath.

"Jimin!" Upon command, a man with platinum hair bade to the kings side, bowing in respect, before turning his attention to the male beside me.

"Here is the deal." The king said carefully. "You, rebel, will take my soldier here to your pathetic hideout on Mount Massacre, and you will watch him as he slaughters your kind once and for all!" The man named Jimin repeated the kings words in that awful foreign tongue. After Jimin finished, the soldier tensed, I could almost hear him grinding his teeth.

"As further punishment, Jung Wooyoung, you will accompany them, and my soldier will execute you upon the mountain, with all the other traitors where you belong!"

I felt tears brim my eyes. Yeosang.... the only person who had ever shown me any kindness, the very boy that took me in those many years ago, he went to the mountain, sputtering nonsense of a rebellion, a safe haven, talking of coming back for me once he found it. And now I was going to be forced to go there, to see him die...

I choked on my tears, blood staining my lips. I'd rather die. Yeosang was so pure...

"Zhe qenshe!" A deep loud voice startled me. I dared glance at the soldier beside me. His head was held up high, his black hair flicked back with a jerk of his head.

"Your majesty, the soldier said, I refuse..." Jimin spoke cautiously.

"exCUSE ME?!" The king roared.

Words left the males lips and Jimin fearfully recited.

"He says, he refuses to do such a thing. He would choose death over returning to his origin and slaughtering innocence...and..."

"and. what." The king said threateningly.

"And he refuses to harm the boy." One swing of his arm the king backhanded the soldiers face, causing him to fall to his side and hit his head on the floor.

"YOU WILL DO AS ORDERED TO. Or shall I instead torture this wretch of a boy until you fullfill your duty?!" Jimin stuttered the words, and there was a threatening silence in the room that followed.

"Nam ei" the male said hoarsely, pushing himself back up. Blood adorned his lips and a dark mark was forming on his temple.

"He said, I will comply." Jimin almost sighed those words.

"That's what I thought. Take them away. You leave in three days." Two men came for each of us. While the soldier walked with his two guards clinging to his arms, I was carried with my arms on their shoulders.

Instead of heading towards the dungeons, we were separated and i was taken to a simple room that held a bed, a table and a small bathroom. Everything was barren.

After being laid down, i was introduced to some doctor whose name I quickly forgot.

Those three days I saw no one. Not Yunho  not the soldier, not even the king. The doctor frequented often, healing my wound surprisingly well. I was able to walk on day two, and by day three I felt nothing but a small ache.

Thank God. Because two soldiers promptly escorted me to the courtyard, and there he was. The soldier had his back to me. He was sitting on a large black stallion, with two horses behind him with a lead attached to the males horse. Well, I say two horses. There was a brown mare and....a pony. That Yunho sat on.

I didnt even hide my laugh as I passed him, mounting what I assumed to be my horse as I giggled at the sight of a very ferocious and angry brunette 6ft male on a tiny brown and white adorable little pony.

"I think this is worth the death sentence." I giggled.

"Shut up Wooyoung." He grumbled. I cleared my throat with a hidden smirk.

Orders were given to us. Take the soldier to the hideout, and endure our death sentence. If the soldier hasn't returned in four weeks, the entire army will be sent to the mountain to execute everyone themselves.

I swallowed. As we started to ride through the city, dread emptied into my stomach.

"There's no way out of this, is there..." I said quietly to Yunho, riding beside me. We were both behind the solider, and although there was safety in him not understanding our language, we still felt the need to whisper.

"No. That soldier will kill us if we try anything." I nodded.

The ride through the city was long and arduous, and i came to realise that this whole journey was going to be very long, and very very tedious.

The Massacre of Immortals || Woohwa / Wooyoung x SeonghwaWhere stories live. Discover now