First day of school part 2

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Recap:  as I get pushed against the lockers I see the one and only.       Payton my bully 

Payton: oh hey Ava
Ava: what do you want Payton
Payton: don't talk to me like that understand
When Payton said that to me I slapped him on the cheek and it left a red mark.   Then Payton pushed me on the ground and kept kicking me in the stomach.  When Payton saw me  bleeding he stop and walked away as nothing happened. I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I took my knife  out and cut 4 lines on my arm. Then  Wiped of the blood and ran to class before the bell rang.  A sat down in my Seat.  

Skip to the last period of the day

It was last period and we had to do a project with are Partners. Me and Kate looked at each other. The teacher said he was going to assign Partners. Kate got assigned with Jake her crush. I got assigned with Payton.  Great I have to do a project with my bully.  

Skip to the end of the the day

When the bell rang I quickly got up and ran down the hall as I was going to my car Payton yells my name

Payton: Ava
Ava : yes
As I was getting in my car someone got in my car I looked and saw who it was it was Payton I told him want he was doing he said I am coming with me to do the project I said ok

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