Monday -_-

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I had to go to school the next day but I didn't want too. I feel like people can see me when i take my pills. I rather not take them. Their not changing my way of thinking or anything. I walk out of my moms car and go into my worst nightmare, School. I hurry and go to my first period and I sit in the corner so the popular people don’t see me. Rachel, shes a blonde headed girl who acts like she owns the school, sits in the front to be the teachers pet. I was in math and I was good at math. It was really easy for me. I try to hurry and go to the next class but Rachel stopped in front of me.

¨So sorry you couldn’t be here yesterday¨ she said sarcastic

¨Oh thanks¨ I was staring at the ground.

¨I got your make up work¨

Then she threw it at my face and I fell down. My language arts book was in the pile she threw at me. That book has about 1000 pages in it so yeah it hurt. Im used to this though. I hurry up and go to the bathroom and I looked the mirror and I have a black eye. I hurried up to my next class and my teacher looks at me. It was study hall so only a couple of kids were in their. She asked me what's wrong, I said I fell down the stairs. She starting not to believe it so my next beating i'm going to have to a different excuse. Every class people were staring at me and making fun of me. At lunch it was worse. Kyle and jessica got made fun of with me and it was terrible.

It’s finally the end of the day and my friends walk home with me. They were acting different and It was bothering me.

¨Hey guys¨ I said nervously.

¨Look we have to tell you something¨ Jessica said. Jessica is my best friend since kindergarten and her boyfriend, Kyle is like my brother.

Rachel walked by us ¨why are you guys walking with Emily?¨

¨Youre right why are we walking with her¨ Kyle said.

¨Ya we might smell like a skunk like her¨ Jessica said.

¨Haha so true¨ Rachel said and ran off.

I was shocked who knew my best friends could turn on me like that. All I could do is just stand there and be shocked.

¨So anyway...¨ Jessica said.

¨We can’t be friends with you¨ Kyle finished and they both ran off.

I ran home as fast as I could. All I could think is I don't have anyone at all. My friends hate me, my school hates me. What else bad could happen. I noticed no one was at my house so I decided to go in my room and think.

Homecoming? I think not (Brendon Urie Fan Fic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora